Round Robin th #2 - The Gothebuburg days


Apr 13, 2002
Well, our first glorious RR thread has come to a close, but the story is running on! So off we go for the second round. Everyone is welcome to post (read the first thread if you don't remember where the adventure's at), and I'd say those who have already contributed can do so again... still, I encourage those who haven't tried their hand to bu their contribution. By the way, rahvin, would you mind collecting all the parts from RR#1, editing them a bit to make them fit together, and paste them in a single text posting it on its separate thread? or maybe convince niklas to publish the silly thing on the dt page? :lol:

Part 11 anyone?

Originally posted by hyena
By the way, rahvin, would you mind collecting all the parts from RR#1, editing them a bit to make them fit together, and paste them in a single text posting it on its separate thread?

ok, but it's gonna take some minutes so i think i'll do it tomorrow. i'll post a new, locked thread with the first ten parts, so that it's just easier for everyone to see but won't actually split an active thread in two. that's if nobody has anything to object... *waits for thanatos to say his punchline*. :)

go, go, go, write your fellowship of the bu, hurry! and i'd say yes, kill whoever you want.

ok i'll write whichever one is needed when i check this board tonight.

hyena post is going in this spot in about 2 hours....I'm still at work, and my boss is right behind me, so.... :p

prepare for something shamelessly derivative of LotR...but funny

~Kovenant (and remember...i said "kill" ;))
Hehe, perhaps Ill write a part as well....I look forward to the next chapter in this amazing saga of love, wonder, and utter bu'ness :D

F_V (cant wait)
well, what should i say about mine? i am *chewing on wires* and causing planes to fall. but come on :tickled:
all i can imagine about the fellowship of the bu is who will play the dwarf's part :D

hrm...i wonder hyena? :p

========Part XI====The Fellowship is Formed======

"There's only one problem," I announced meekly from the corner I was hiding in during the fight. "There lies Mount Melon, the other side of which we arrived from to find the band. It is now in our way again. And this time, thanks to Wanderingblade and Hyena, we have no plane to get us over its treacherous passes. How shall we complete our journey?"

"Leave that to me," said Rahvin. "Tonight we shall dine in the Mines of Melon, beneath the mountain. They are the great holds my ancestors built to defend themselves from the trolls. Nothing could be safer!" Mel looked quite miffed until someone explained it wasn't the same kind of troll.

So, the band set off to the Mines of Melon, following the tracks Salamurhaaja spotted. After passing through the entrance, (which involved an interesting scene where Villain explained that "speak 'friend' and enter" only worked on magical rocks blocking your path) Rahvin let out a booming cry. "My ancestral halls! Defiled! Who would dare to spoil the splendor of the dwarven race?"

"Maybe they are down this hole?" asked Hyena. "What hole?" said |ngenius, spinning around. Unfortunately, Siren had been hovering so closely to |ng that when he spun around, she was accidentally knocked into the pit. "Typical male," sighed Rei. When the screams subsided, the group picked up their stuff and headed off, with Of Silence Embraced and SilentJohan congratulating WanderingBlade on his good work [part x] near the back. Misanthrope, who had been walking near the front, suddenly stopped the group and dropped to the floor. His face turned dark as he listened; faint whispers were growing louder. "Hey... which is the ... song... Which cd should I buy ... Hey, I know, let's have a thread about our favorite DT songs!" Misanthrope jumped to his feet - "NEWBIES!" he cried. "Look out!"

"They've gotten Of Silence, SilentJohan, and WanderingBlade!" shouted |ngenius. The poor triad had been dragged away, being caught unawares due to their celebrating. "I'll save them!" the chupi robot cried, and dove into the oncoming wave of noobs. Fifteen seconds later, he reappeared, much dented and looking less chupi. "On second thought, run for your lives!"

Eventually, after much haste through caverns of fire and collapsing stairways, amid cries of "NO ONE tosses the dwarf!", the group finally reached a narrow span across an infathomable abyss. While such a walk was a challenge for the less sober of the group, all had almost gotten across when loud drums began. "It is come," said Villain. "What," I questioned, "a terrible beast of fire and shadow?" "No," said Hyena. "One of Ice, who freezes topics and the people who create them." "You can't mean..." "Yes, I mean ... Protocol. You are the wisest of the group, Villain, but the power of Bu is with me... I will face this danger alone...the rest of you run on!"

Well, as the forces of Bu and Authority met, there were flashes of light across the cavern, and it seemed at a stalemate of arguing, when suddenly Misanthrope screamed, "I've been banned!", and began to tumble off of the ledge; as he fell though, he grabbed for Hyena's help and pulled both of the combatants off the ledge. "Noooooooo!" growled Rahvin. "How will we continue?"

Ormir stepped forward. "There is an evil at work here that doesn't sleep or rest. I know it well. We must amass a mighty force to crush it, or else our music shall be destroyed." Phyre also stepped forward. "As all true norwegian black metal worshippers know, the forests of Norway are alive with the spirits of heavy metal followers. I shall go there and bring back an army." I began to laugh, but Phyre spun and pointed saying, "You! Do not mock the trueness of norwegian black metal!" ... and promptly threw me off the cliff...

"Son of a Buuuuuu......"

As the dazed and disoriented group reached the outside world again, the counted their losses and paused to mourn their fallen comrades, both saddened by their fate and determined to achieve their goal to honor their spirits.

[Ormir and Phyre headed to Norway at this point, to gather an army of.....trees?]

Just remember all this is in fun :p

I would prefer that someone who knows how the books go would continue this story... pertaining mostly to the fate of Hyena, Misanthrope, and myself.

~Kovenant (tired, and sorry it was late...had to eat dinner)
congratulations. this is ace. and i get to play my character exactly, what a wonderful way to go :lol:

i'd gladly write more but it's 3:20 in the morning and i just penned the first 384 words to a 10000-words paper-to-be, where "to be" according to the sacred guidelines of bu means "by next wednesday at the latest". quite understandably i want to kill myself and right now have no creativity left. i hope somebody proceeds, i want to know what happens of me.

:lol: :lol:
this is brilliant, kovenant84: i love the part about me letting out a booming cry... :tickled:
don't rush to write the second part of the story, i'd like everybody to savour this a while more. :)

rahvin. (the bu under the bubu)