

Apr 14, 2006
Quick questions about the roundhouse

Look at the floorplan

1.I really dont want to see the back or the side of opeth, will it really be like this?

2. It appears to be seated and seated is gay, i want to be moshing!!! Can some1 tell me if were gunna be standing.

Sorry to rant, but i want the full opeth experience again.

:rock: :rock:
At an Opeth concert I was right near the front (I stayed in the back while DT and DD were playing because I didn't want to mosh). No one moshed while Opeth was playing. I was quite lucky to be able to crawl to the front like that just for Opeth.
Moshing at concerts pisses me off. I don't mind dodging hair swinging around while fans bang their heads, that rocks. Defending yourself from a bunch of kids who like to act tough just annoys me.
Jamo said:

An enourmous centrifugal mosh pit?

Dement said:
At an Opeth concert I was right near the front (I stayed in the back while DT and DD were playing because I didn't want to mosh). No one moshed while Opeth was playing. I was quite lucky to be able to crawl to the front like that just for Opeth.

You hung back for Dark-Mother Fucking-Tranquillity?


To be fair I was expecting a pit when I went to see them (with Burst, not Dark Tranquillity, you unappreciative... :heh: it makes my blood boil!) but there wasn't one because well, what are you going to do? Opeth typically have heavy sections followed by mellow sections you can't just revert from all out full on mosh, to chilled out relaxing to pschotropic, stoner, prog guitar solo in the click of a finger can you? We rocked out a little bit, lot of head bobbing but mostly just chilled.
Maybe Opeth should invent a screen that says : "x seconds till next moshing phase" and then "you have x seconds left to mosh, followed by acoustic chillout".
I'm not having a go at all, but I really do fail to see how metal fans don't like Dark Tranq, they're not ground braking by any means but they really are a good solid band who produce good solid well made albums.

The Gallery, Damage Done, Enter Suicidal Angels, are really beautiful albums.
Powers said:
I'm not having a go at all, but I really do fail to see how metal fans don't like Dark Tranq, they're not ground braking by any means but they really are a good solid band who produce good solid well made albums.

The Gallery, Damage Done, Enter Suicidal Angels, are really beautiful albums.

overrated and often boring. :blush:
For fucks sakes this isnt the anti mosh post!!!
I wont fucking mosh if u fags are so up tight about it.

Could sum1 tell me if its standing
and if people are going to be standing all the way round the cricle in the middle.

And dont anyone say anything about moshing after this post

I would like to take this time to say that I find all the "gay" and "fags" comments to be rather rude, disrespectful, and completely unnecessary. No, I'm not gay, but I still find the use of the words very disrespectful and derogatory. I haven't reported anything because I don't want to come across as a tattle-tale (being new and all), so I figured I'd say something first.

There's no real reason to use language like that. I'm all for cursing, I curse more than is necessary at times, but I really hate it when people use "gay" and "fags" in a derogatory fashion. It's just plain stupid and not cool at all.