ROYAL CARNAGE APRIL MADNESS: Round #5: The Day Katatonia Killed Slayer

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New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
RULES: Only votes from people who have posted on the RC forum before this poll will be counted, so don't bother going to other forums asking for help. Please DELETE the band you're NOT voting for in each line instead of highlighting the one you vote for with boldface or italic. This helps a lot when counting votes, thanks. This round closes in two days. Voting for Drudkh over Burzum is forbidden. Have fun.

Bracket 1:
Burzum "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss" vs. Drudkh "Autumn Aurora"

Bracket 2:
Metallica "Ride the Lightning" vs. Darkthrone "Transilvanian Hunger"

Bracket 3:
Iron Maiden "Powerslave" vs. Dissection "Storm of the Light's Bane"

Bracket 4:
Katatonia "Brave Murder Day" vs. Agalloch "Pale Folklore"
Bracket 1:
Burzum "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss"

Bracket 2:
Darkthrone "Transilvanian Hunger"

Bracket 3:
Iron Maiden "Powerslave"

Bracket 4:
Katatonia "Brave Murder Day" vs. Agalloch "Pale Folklore" (Absolutely refuse to vote. These are my top 2 albums of all time.)
Slayer and Megadeth are both out? Jesus fuckin' christ and you fags accuse ME of not being metal? :rolleyes:

Bracket 1:
Drudkh "Autumn Aurora"

Bracket 2:
Metallica "Ride the Lightning"

Bracket 3:
Dissection "Storm of the Light's Bane"

Bracket 4:
Katatonia "Brave Murder Day"
Bracket 1:
Burzum "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss"

Bracket 2:
Metallica "Ride the Lightning" vs. Darkthrone "Transilvanian Hunger"

Bracket 3:
Iron Maiden "Powerslave"

Bracket 4:
Agalloch "Pale Folklore"
Erik said:
NAD: You obviously didn't read the rules well enough. :p
If voting Drudkh over teh 'deth was permitted, so shall this be. :loco:


Bracket 1:
Burzum "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss"

Bracket 2:
Darkthrone "Transilvanian Hunger"

Bracket 3:
Dissection "Storm of the Light's Bane"

Bracket 4:
Katatonia "Brave Murder Day"
Bracket 1:
Megadeth "Rust in Peace"

Bracket 2:
Metallica "Ride the Lightning"

Bracket 3:
Iron Maiden "Powerslave"

Bracket 4:
Slayer "Reign in Blood"

I can live with that, you know, just because it's entirely fucking accurate. :p

New Rule: If you still live at home with mummy, then your vote is worth shit. :tickled:
JayKeeley said:
I can live with that, you know, just because it's entirely fucking accurate. :p

New Rule: If you still live at home with mummy, then your vote is worth shit.
:lol: :lol: :lol: × 43929, you're seriously pissed at Megadeth losing aren't you

(BTW: I live at home with dad :p)
Bracket 1:
Drudkh "Autumn Aurora"

Bracket 2:
Metallica "Ride the Lightning"

Bracket 3:
Dissection "Storm of the Light's Bane"

Bracket 4:
Agalloch "Pale Folklore"

Slayer's RIB is out? So RC does have common sense and good tastes. Congrats! :Spin:
JayKeeley said:
Bracket 1:
Megadeth "Rust in Peace"

Bracket 2:
Metallica "Ride the Lightning"

Bracket 3:
Iron Maiden "Powerslave"

Bracket 4:
Slayer "Reign in Blood"

I can live with that, you know, just because it's entirely fucking accurate. :p

New Rule: If you still live at home with mummy, then your vote is worth shit. :tickled:
:kickass: to all of that.

Hey did I tell you? I LIKE TEH POWERSLAVE OMG! But I had to go with Dissection this round because that was part o' me childhood like.
JayKeeley said:
Bracket 1:
Megadeth "Rust in Peace"

Bracket 2:
Metallica "Ride the Lightning"

Bracket 3:
Iron Maiden "Powerslave"

Bracket 4:
Slayer "Reign in Blood"

I can live with that, you know, just because it's entirely fucking accurate. :p

New Rule: If you still live at home with mummy, then your vote is worth shit. :tickled:

Right on ... fuckin A .... another pansy emo band hiding under a metal banner beat fucking Reign in Blood ????????
You guys are all gay .... go headbang and jump out a window or something like Hell Milke ....

Bracket 1:
Burzum "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss" (I was tempted because you're gay.)

Bracket 2:

Metallica "Ride the Lightning"

Bracket 3:

Iron Maiden "Powerslave"

Bracket 4:

Katatonia "Brave Murder Day"
Bracket 1:
Burzum "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss"

Bracket 2:
Darkthrone "Transilvanian Hunger"

Bracket 3:
Iron Maiden "Powerslave"

Bracket 4:
Katatonia "Brave Murder Day"
Bracket 1:
Burzum "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss"

Bracket 2:
Metallica "Ride the Lightning"

Bracket 3:
Iron Maiden "Powerslave"

Bracket 4:

:lol: :lol: :lol: I'm having great fun at all you grumpy old ass metalheads right at the mo

Sure, I love the classics too, but I am not banging my head against the monitor in rage right now like y'all :D
lurch70 said:
another pansy emo band hiding under a metal banner beat fucking Reign in Blood ????????

Limp Bizkit could beat Reign in Blood. Well, maybe that's going a little too far. But Papa Roach could beat Slayer. :tickled:
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