Royal Carnage HATE Thread

that's cause they're all crashing off their sugar high

and speaking of culinary delights:

Montana To D.C.: Eat Our Balls

It's one of those great D.C. occasions where out-of-staters turn the city into a melting pot of American tradition. It's for a good cause. It's sure to be a good time. And, it's too bad Stephen Colbert couldn't stay one more weekend in town because it's got the one thing on which he places his highest premium: balls.

We speak, naturally, of the upcoming Third Annual Testicle Festival, brought to you by the good people of the state of Montana. This Saturday night, D.C.-area residents are invited to the American Legion in Arlington to listen to the country stylings of the Wil Gravatt Band and tuck into some of Montana's famed rocky mountain oysters (a/k/a "Cowboy Caviar") -- that is, deep-fried bull testicles.

According to the Wikipedia, the eating of the Rocky Mountain Oyster "is often meant as a lighthearted test of one's bravado, especially for men, given the inherent implications of castration and the threat of the loss of male virility." So, it's not just unusual cuisine, it's a meal with profound Camille Paglian implications! On a further note, the Wikipedia reports that "consumption is often undertaken with copious amounts of beer." So, remember to have a full glass on hand when you dig in so you can avoid gagging on these balls! (Members of the White House Press Corps, on the other hand, should be able to get by just using personal experience.)

The 2006 Testy Fest kicks off at 8 p.m. Tickets are $15, which covers the cost of both food and drink. The American Legion is located at 3445 Washington Blvd. in Arlington. Best of all, the proceeds for this event will go to help some great kids at the Missoula Ronald McDonald House. Go nuts, people.
i hate computers


i also hate it when the IT guy tells you he'll be there in 3 minutes, 20 minutes ago. then again what the hell, it's not like i'd rather be working anyway :cool:
dorian gray said:
i hate how coffee tastes so good but so bad at the same time. my stomach hurts right now from all the acid in this starbucks stuff.

I've never had Starbucks, but I've never had a good coffee either. I feel dead inside.
Dorian- Fuck Starbucks. I got sick for several hours yesterday by ordering one of their double espresso shot venti white chocolate mocha's . I had had two cups of coffee about 30 minutes before. What a fucking mistake! I fell in to slumber several hours afterwards, and woke up with dizzy spells. The whole fucking world was spinning. As my stomach felt worse than Mayorga's "cara", I attempted a finger sweep in a "too little too late" attempt of self induced vomiting. All I had puked was water. The damage had been done. Fuck espresso!
Décadent said:
I've never had Starbucks, but I've never had a good coffee either. I feel dead inside.
petrol station coffee is sometimes the best. just grab a cup.
Reign in Acai said:
I got sick for several hours yesterday by ordering one of their double espresso shot venti white chocolate mocha
Thats just fucking disgusting jerry. Whyd you order something like that? I strictly order "house coffee". At borders books, i get "borders blend". Some tasty shit. And, yeah, almost always black.
dorian gray said:
petrol station coffee is sometimes the best. just grab a cup.

We don't have a coffee machine at ours. We're pretty small-time in terms of luxuries... we sell cold drinks, chocolate bars and toilet paper.
Espresso is not fancy shit you mongoloids!!!

Unless you aren't talking about that, in which case, carry on. :Spin:
"I'll have a double espresso shot venti white chocolate mocha"

fancy shit.

"gimme a line of espresso shots on the table here"

not fancy shit. (yes, we do espresso like bar shooters at school sometimes)

"I'll have a large coffee.""you mean venti""no, i mean large, you can call it whatever you want"

not fancy shit.