Royal Carnage HATE Thread

I hate that after 12 years of playing bass I finally decide to get a set of flatwound strings, and my favorite online retailers don't have the ones I'm looking for. Guess I'll go to an actual store and pay tax like a SUCKER.
I hate my history professor who said that she would be open for questions through email before the exam and hasn't returned my email I made 3 nights ago.
I hate it when you wake up in the morning with "wood". But it's really just a bladder full of piss. To alleviate the situation you try some medicinal hand manipulation to rid yourself of this blood driven dagger of flesh. Several minutes go by and you just say "Fuck it". Give in, get out of bed, and go take a piss and be done with it. 10 mins lost in vain.
i hate how coffee tastes so good but so bad at the same time. my stomach hurts right now from all the acid in this starbucks stuff.