Don't know if many of you are playing RPG (AD&D or anything similar)...but I play and last night we were playing until 6 in the morning cause we had to finish the adventure..........May I say I still feel like something is not the same.....something has gone....something has changed.....something very awful is in my heart....and all of these because last night I DIED (my character that I have for 2 years now and that has gained much experience), so I died the time that our adventure was completed... In one instant, I was feeling like thanks god I died after accomplishing my quest (which it was my QUEST for the two years I have this character). But then....I was thinking (as the others continued to play), that I won't be able to play again until some time passes so that I come over it. It was like when you say split up with someone you love so much and you feel this emptyness inside you...especially the next day in the morning when you wake up and you realise what has happened to you. I felt pain... Anyway, the thing is that another mage had got ready a clone of me. So, I even have the same memories and everything! But still.....something has changed I feel it! Maybe it's cause the adventure has ended and....oh....anyway...I now think that RPG can be really "dangerous" to some people.
Any other similar experiences??
Any other similar experiences??