RPG is causing phycological problems...


Forget it
Mar 28, 2003
In a cuckoo's clock
Don't know if many of you are playing RPG (AD&D or anything similar)...but I play and last night we were playing until 6 in the morning cause we had to finish the adventure..........May I say I still feel like something is not the same.....something has gone....something has changed.....something very awful is in my heart....and all of these because last night I DIED (my character that I have for 2 years now and that has gained much experience), so I died the time that our adventure was completed... In one instant, I was feeling like thanks god I died after accomplishing my quest (which it was my QUEST for the two years I have this character). But then....I was thinking (as the others continued to play), that I won't be able to play again until some time passes so that I come over it. It was like when you say split up with someone you love so much and you feel this emptyness inside you...especially the next day in the morning when you wake up and you realise what has happened to you. I felt pain... Anyway, the thing is that another mage had got ready a clone of me. So, I even have the same memories and everything! But still.....something has changed I feel it! Maybe it's cause the adventure has ended and....oh....anyway...I now think that RPG can be really "dangerous" to some people.

Any other similar experiences??
I've never played .. but I will start next week (maybe) with Vampire The Masquerade (live RPG) .. so .. I'm waiting in suspense .. :D
@Caillac: good luck and take it easy....hehehe
@Int: We are playing AD&D in Greyhawk with 2nd edition rules and we play campaign (that means not just individual adventures but that you build a whole life).
FaustOrFamine said:
Greyhawk pwns. Temple of Elemental Evil :kickass:

YAY!! I just bought the Temple of Elemental Evil but I haven played it yet cause I need another graphic card (my computer sux). BUT, I have ordered one so I am just waiting!! What I have only seen is the intro (in my bf's computer). The eight wizards (in black cloacks), are the members of "The circle of the Eights", and one of them is Bigby (the one who made a clone of my character in our game!! :hotjump: ) Imagine how I want to play this game...I even bought a graphic card....hmm....and a new motherboard....ok and a new processor :erk: ...ok, ok and some more RAM...(and a fan, hehe)...No,no,no....only the graphic card is for the game...hehee :D
yeah, well I got emotional I agree (cause this is my favorite character of all times), but as you say it is part of playing so you just give up...
i imagine a game can hurt your feelings, but that can only happen if you're even more lame than what i said.

anyway, i spent most of my life since i was 10 or 12 playing computer games... so i know how it is to feel weak and lousy when you can't stop playing a game to go do something else you need done, like homework or stuff...
but oh well, one coffee mug later i'm back in paradise :)
The thing is that at the computer games you have two buttons: "Save" and "Load"....whereas in face-to-face rpg (and having the DM we have now....*getting mad*), there are no such buttons. Oh, but anyway, I start coming over it, cause I realised I have a clone of my character, so I'd better shut up, and start studying a bit in real life!
I never played PnP RPGs too much. Maybe for about a year or so with my brother. I mostly play computer AD&D games now like Neverwinter Nights and Baldur's Gate. So, when I die, all I have to do is re-load. I do remember getting kind of pissed when I died on the PnP RPG though.
@Fourka: Well, imagina how pissed I was when our GM (we play Deadlands: The Weird West) wrecked the entire campaign by turning the entire group into Harrowed (a higher form of walking dead). We just had to give them up, cuz all of us were good-guys with consience and stuff like that, but now we were stuck with a little demon inside our brains that liked to fuck up things at all the wrong moments...

But, life goes on, what kind of character were you playing by the way? :)
Ergol The Ineffable said:
@Fourka: Well, imagina how pissed I was when our GM (we play Deadlands: The Weird West) wrecked the entire campaign by turning the entire group into Harrowed (a higher form of walking dead). We just had to give them up, cuz all of us were good-guys with consience and stuff like that, but now we were stuck with a little demon inside our brains that liked to fuck up things at all the wrong moments...

But, life goes on, what kind of character were you playing by the way? :)

Heh, that sounds bad! I wouldn't like as a character to have a demon telling me what to do! :erk:
So, I had Fourka (heheh), a wizard of Devination (I know it is not as good as Invokers, Necromancers ets, but it all started two years ago when we were discussing what character would suit me best as Myrto (myself) and this is what we got). I started at level zero (not even 1!!) and in two years I reached the 5th level so I could do 3rd level spells. The thing is that now I am cloned so I will still continue to play this character (form the 5th level), with the same looks and memories and experiences only that this character knows that she is not the real Fourka and that she is a clone of her. I think I will find a strong reason to ressurect her or something... I really prefer to play a totally different and new character rather than a copy of Fourka but because DM doesn't want to (and actually because I cannot abandon this character so easy) I will try to bring the original Fourka to life at some point! hehehe :D :wave:
Well, once playing D&D I was reincarnated, I began play as a 20th level human/barbarian, and ended up an elf. That was kind of a shock for my character as he was trying as best he could to be manly ( he had a huge facial tattoo and piercings all over the body). That was a really cool character, but he died a total of three times during two sessions. Sencond time he was drained of all life by a vampire fae-bitch who he thought he got to sleep with, third time the party got so annoued by his rudeness that they decided to test their new torture-room, fucked-up group, not playing with them any more...