RR vs. Alexi Signature.

Rofl i didnt notice that, no i mean that i hope he's not as old as that, as it would appear from his posts grammar and topical content that he's fresh out of elementary
well being 21/22 doesnt mean shit regarding intelligence or grammar knowledge
Aha, i was right. And post it in the guitar players thread, its much easier to ignore you there.

And what's "best" comes down to personal preference, taste and opinion. It's a never ending discussion and by sparking this discussion you most likely will come no closer to a result. Go try out both of them and decide for yourself, compare relative price ranges, they're about equal in what you get for your money.
Wikipedia said:
Eighty-eight is used as code among Neo-Nazis to identify each other.[2] H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, so 88 is taken to stand for HH which in turn means Heil Hitler

Well, that's absolute bullshit.
15. im just tryin to figure out which one to get for any of u guitar playerz.

for any of u guitar playerz.

guitar playerz.

rr may also mean ronald reagan, so clearly this guy is not only a nazi, but some sort of capita-fascist pig neo-nazi, metal is obviously a reference to heavy metal which for example Uranium is, with uranium is the relation to plutonium which combined can combine into a thermonuclear bomb, clearly showing his support for the bombing of the japanese cities and also nuclear power in general.

This guy is dangerous, STAY AWAY