Rundown - Drinking song....

Naku ist krig

Active Member
Jan 16, 2002
Here..i list some references from the lyrics what proofs that Rundown is drinking song...

cowardice, this chain of events
gather and plot the ensnaring of me (ensnaring)
gone now the sense of lust <- You have drink too much...)
is there a cost for the reckless excess?
taken in the growth and trust
retalitory strike at the weakest spot
raked away the remains of my fall
that laid scattered cross plains of regret
humble in defence of the wicked
run down, naked and blind <- Totally drunk)

merciless, the onslaught of demands <- Someone demands you to pay you boozes)
get in line for the numbning <- Line in a bar
i won´t make a stand

redeemer of the slavery <- Bartender)
reconcile with the carefree and content
ensnarer, caretaker <- Bartender)
lead not these the frail into battle again <- You´re provoking someone to fight with you)
crossing out the ramblings of others <- Your friend are fighting too)
tired of the same old refrain <-Depression
knowing this will all be corrected
torn down, wasted and lost -Totally drunk)
i can´t take it anymore ´cause i am rundown <- `cause you on drunk)
can´t take it anymore ´cause this is wrong <- and you`re drunk)
tired and rundown
spat it out <-You say fuck you to the bartender,and you are not willing to pay)
the foolish lines you fed
it holds a place in the civilized mind
forcefed, the turn of our venturesome quest
being rundown as we seek <- and if we don´t pay our bills)

the day this was lost <-Hangover)
all that you see
all that´ll be
i seem to recall mikael or niklas stated during the chat session that future lyrics will only revolve around being drunk. :D
i find it extremely chupi, while at the same time if i look back at my sad life i notice how back in 1996 i just wanted dt to get as philosophical as possible (lyric-wise), whereas now i'd settle for any accurate rendition of the booze quaffing process. :)

rahvin. (times are a-changing)
Originally posted by rahvin
i seem to recall mikael or niklas stated during the chat session that future lyrics will only revolve around being drunk. :D
I thought they said that everything will revolve around sex. :)
there's deffinitely smt wrong with that list... :err:

where are teddies?? :p
Originally posted by Dark_Jester
Give me three cats, some tacos, a lil lettuce and some sauce, and one big barbequeue pit...and I'm one happy man :lol:

and how many happy cats will stand the test of time? :s

rahvin. (definitely more fond of cats by the minute)
Originally posted by Ormir
Great stuff :) Now all we need is an interpretation of Feast of Burden... sure we actually want to go there? :s (tho i'd be surprised if someone didn't have some idea 'bout it........sorta revolver 'round that sex theme, no? :p )

oh.....and don't eat cats.....personally, the hairballs aftewards ruin the whole experience....:D
Bah, hairballs shmairballs...why do you think I shave em first?
Oh yeah, that reminds me...people always say 'theres more than one way to skin a cat'...but from experience I've found the only way is to hold it by the tail and...:confused: