Rundown - Drinking song....

that's why you have to keep a blanket near you, once the cat stops shaking, then is just when you have to put the blanket on so it's not really burnt, and the cat is already roasted!

an utter idiot (fathervic) :p
You could do that, but I just had the RSPCA around giving me a friendly talking to on the do's and dont's of culinarius domesticus...I think I'll start eating something less emotionally an endangered species :lol: Panda anyone?
No, cats are best to eat. I've always wanted to consume cats to see what they taste like. Roast cat burger, potato slices, and a wine cooler, please. :grin:
And you called me bad words for killing that rabbit...:mad:

-phyros ( :lol: )

Edit: And yeah, the main drinking song is Edenspring, but I think most of Mikaels lyrics are about beeing drunk, seems he likes that an awfull lot... Strange, coz he´s got this rep. that he can´t drink more than a six pac befores he dozes of... :grin: (Mikael :p )
Oh yeah Panda!!! the problem is that I always find myself chewing more bamboo than I can handle....
as for rare species, I'd rather take some platypus :D

fathervic (laying the table)
*takes it and pass it to phyros who won't say no, and then takes a good ol' coke and clicks it open*
*takes the beer from fathervic, and gives him a bear instead, hoping that will be better than a panda... Teen drinks the beer up and continues writing messages wihout sense*
*wonders how the panda will manage a life without its mate, which I have hidden secretly in my closet "mad scientist laughter" Offers a beer to Final_Vision, and sweaps one myself*
*alone eating the crumbs off bamboo left in the table, now that a couple is in south america and the other is torturing a panda in Sweden*
*thinks that the bamboo should belong to the panda and takes it from FV, gives it to the panda and offers FV a coke instead... After that I sit and share old memories with Sean the mighty surfer, wondering when the others will show up on the rock*
*decides whether to make a rock thread, but decides that this drinking thread might fit his mood better, feeling un-chupi right now, hes happy to escape reality and share a coke with Andreas the nagus, laughs a bit as he thinks rahvin hasnt replied since skipping to south america with the panda...*

edit: *in his unchupi mood he notices the coke wasnt direected torward him, but pulls out a coke anyway and drinks the night away, hoping cafeeine will pick him up.....*