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I dont know if I should watch it...
Now George Bush, W Bush, and most of the Americans who killed HALF THE WORLD seeking for "peace" (oil).
Don't get me wrong, he was an evil sonofabitch and deserved the fate he was handed. And I, like many others, proudly declared we'd love to watch the fucker swingin' in the breeze. Easy to sound brave, I guess - harder to put words into actions.
It was hard to watch but fuck him I'm glad he's dead this is a good start.. Next that Bin Laden cock sucker then both George and W Bush, then We nail that fuck in Korea and most of the other facist dictators around the world who make people live in fear. Oh and Painergrey gets my vote for dumbest motherfucker the day. Most americans don't agree with the shit that our goverment does. I just happen to be one of them who is all for black ops and the elimination of people breathing my air.
Oh and Painergrey gets my vote for dumbest motherfucker the day. Most americans don't agree with the shit that our goverment does.
Now George Bush, W Bush, and most of the Americans who killed HALF THE WORLD seeking for "peace" (oil).
Hopefully you were one of the few Americans against Bush when he started the whole thing after 9/11. Unfortunately, most of the Americans just got aware of how much of a big motherfucker he is when your troops started to die, and after Katrina.
It's very easy and cool to say Americans don't support Bush right now. You should have done that before he got to the White House.
Oh, by the way... he is still the President of the United States, isn't he? Oh sorry, I mean, the President of the World, isn't he? Elected two times in a row? So... there's not much left to say here.
I respect Americans who didn't support Bush right from the start. I don't respect the others. For instance, Zakk Wylde seems to be a bit less supportive of Bush's cowardices and atrocities in the last 2 years, but he was a VERY STRONG SUPPORTER of him. I have it recorded on tape. Zakk is a fine example of a moron American. uke:
Great. Now it's time for George W Bush! Let's kill the killers! Good start with Saddam. Now George Bush, W Bush, and most of the Americans who killed HALF THE WORLD seeking for "peace" (oil).
I respect Americans who didn't support Bush right from the start. I don't respect the others.