Saddam Execution Video...Graphic

I don't believe parents and relatives have complete control over their kids' activities. That's just impossible. You can't avoid them watching TV, listening to the radio, connecting to the Internet, playing around, all at the same time.

You can't avoid them getting to the boards of their favorite bands and reading a thread with a link to the video of the execution. Maybe if we had in mind that those kids are OUR kids too instead of THEIR parents kids, things could have been much different. But we don't even care about children and the youth in general. We just get aware of how dangerous some stupid things like this video can be when we read the news or when we have people close to us affected by that. Otherwise, it's just sick adult entertainment (it's hard to believe there's worse entertainment out there).

This thread is a fine example of what I'm saying.

Problem is, in this article, relating to the guy I quoted, the kid watched the video with the adult in the room. So yes, he could have changed the channel. Not to mention that the kids were only 9 and 10 but speaking of the one in the US, you should damn well still be able to control what your kid is watching at 10 years old, in your own home of course. There are no laws that say children are required to have their own televisions or their own computers or their own cell phones. So in your own home, where this video was watched, yes, there was complete control over the situation and the adult blew it.

That said, I read that this video was actually leaked and not put out by any government. How true that is, I don't know. But I do knew that I didn't appreciate seeing the pictures on the cover the newspapers with Saddam right before his death. Look, the guy was a scumbag. I don't think we can disagree on that. But if I don't want to see pictures of US soldiers' bodies being dragged through the streets or set on fire or anything like that, that doesn't mean I want to see Saddam minutes before he was hanged. No, I don't. And I don't think it should be on the front of the paper, either.
Kid hangs himself cause thats how Husein died. I dont care
Sadam is dead, I'm a little happy
Painergrey makes some valid points when he not acting like an ass. I'm indifferent.
I just had a splendid bowel movement. I am happy and relivied.
Problem is, in this article, relating to the guy I quoted, the kid watched the video with the adult in the room. So yes, he could have changed the channel.

I agree with you on that. This particular case could have been avoided.

That said, I read that this video was actually leaked and not put out by any government.

Here I go... I haven't been reading the news about his execution and the repercussion of the video for two days. I don't have any reliable information nor an idea to back up my comments. I don't know if the guy who shot the execution got arrested (I mean, really arrested... I read that he was going to be arrested, nothing else), I don't know who he is either. I just have a feeling that this video didn't leak casually. Seemingly it was something designed.

Maybe it's paranoia, or even prejudice as I don't believe in most of the governments, world leaders, politics, etc. But... how long has the Bush family been trying to catch Saddam? Since 1990 or 1991? This means +- 16 years. Then, after 9/11 they started the whole hunt for Osama and the "war against terrorism". Both failed and brought a lot of criticism to Bush and the foreign policies of the United States. When "Bush found Saddam", it was something glorious, but... not enough? Since then, we've been following Saddam's trial with images of him challenging the judge and the whole court. He was locked, but still a ticking bomb, questioning Bush administration and provoking a nation. Bush had to answer and show some power to the world. He had previously failed in finding Osama, in taking care of the victims of Katrina. Besides, the war in Iraq became unpopular even to the Americans. So... the execution of Saddam was like the most effective response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, to Saddam himself, to terrorists. It was also a demonstration of power to the American people who haven't seen anything positive in terms of an effective answer to 9/11. Bush will carry Saddam's execution as a blazon and a scutum that can protect him from his own failures. Consequently Saddam's hanging needed to be exposed... and in the most brutal and explicit way possible, just as 9/11 was.

Don't get me wrong. I believe Saddam deserved what he got. But I honestly thing he wouldn't have been sent to the gallows THIS soon if it wasn't for 9/11, the unsuccessful hunt for Osama, or the increasing negative responses to the U.S. foreign policies and to Bush administration.

To conclude, Saddam was United States' enemy #1... but back in the early nineties. Not nowadays. Nowadays he's maybe just Bush's family enemy #1. His execution just filled-in what Americans and most of the citizens in this world wanted the most... the execution and/or arresting of Osama.
Is it just me or is there something wrong when an adult allows a child to watch an execution like that? I mean really. One of the men said, why show the execution on TV? How about - change the fucking channel when you have kids in the room you jackasses.

the same people that took thier kids to see The Passion of the Christ.

this video was not nearly graphic enough for me. plus it looked like he was dropped far enough to break his neck. Aren't they supposed to like hang him in the middle of a square in front of a huge crowd in a way that he strangles to death? isn't that the point of hangings?
he was an evil man but Bush will never have my support unless he goes after a leader who we know for a fact has nuclear weapons. oh wait... that includes US and Russia shit...