SAE institute (Malaysia)


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2012
I always Dream to become one of the best engineer around the globe(im damn serious)
so after 3 year's in the audio engineering field i dont know i feel like i should learn a hell more.. so many of my mates from my local town are going there for getting a degree.. so my question is
is it really worth dropping almost 25k??
I learned a hell lot from this Forum & and made a good number of friends over here too :)
Now i want to go full serious on this matter.. Because im working hard day and night for my living
As an SAE graduate, I'd say, if you're serious about learning audio engineering (which implies much more than hanging on the Sneap forum), you have plenty of resources available all over the net. I was an SAE student in the early 2000's and things were very different then... I don't have any regrets but If I had to do it today, I'd rather drop that money on gear, buy a couple of good books about Acoustics, Digital audio processing and whatnot and practice.
^mostly what he said, regarding studio work at least. I learned a lot about other AE fields I didn't know before, even if I spent the 3 years before mostly one AE.

The quality depends lot on the quality of the lecturers.
But if you're not planning to stay there day and night, every single second you have, and annoy/talk to everyone you feel knows something about a certain subject, then it is a huge waste of money.
Not necessarily a degree but certainly skills and even more importantly connections.
SAE Institute is great if you don't even know where to start learning.
They show you everything you need to know, whether you learn anything is of course up to you.
The courses are not extremely in-depth, so don't expect to be told lots of things you can't find out about on the internet.
If you keep posting, reading and asking about techniques like you are doing at the moment you are on a good way.

The most important step to becoming an audio engineer is to start working as an audio engineer. Don't do anything for free unless you have to. Try and get a professional environment going, start a small studio business.
Work hard and work a lot. Then you should be fine.

Also about wanting to become the greatest engineer:
Goals like that only hurt you. Know that you know nothing.
Do it because you love it, not for your ego.

Bro you got me wrong
i do it because i love doing it.... everyone wants to be successful isnt it??
thats what i meant :)