Erik said:
Why? I mean, "reality"* provides some things that can certainly be enjoyable; other things transcend "reality" in the sense of normal day-to-day life where quite frankly not much in the way of extraordinary shit happens. Being an artist (PRETENTIOUSNESS WARNING) with a deep interest in the most transcendent and atmospheric of music I have a certain INTEREST in maybe looking beyond. It has nothing to do with weakness, lack of courage, lack of character (I hope you were trying to insult me because you succeeded) or even escape. It's not even about "happiness", it's about a certain will to explore that which common "reality" may not be able to provide.
* Everything is reality
I wasn't trying to insult you, I was trying point out what you're actually saying here, because I'm not sure if you really are!
All right, let's say you really are considering this because of the musical- and not the social consequences.
"An interest in looking beyond." ??? Wow. Hippie bullshit, if I've ever heard it. I turned thirty last saturday, and with the exception of three or four times in 1990, I've not ONCE touched drugs of ANY kind. And if you're able to find one pill munching druggie who appreciates music more than me, I'll sallute you. True appreciation of music should come from yourself, without
chemical (!!!) substances to help you. If you suspect that that is what you need to truly appreciate the music, I pity you. The music we're listening to comes with a price; you have study it, exploring the layers and nuances, and it will unfold before you in its full form. The satisfaction of having achieved that must surely be beyond anything some pill could ever offer you. By taking drugs, you take shortcuts, thus, YOU ARE SHOWING A LACK OF CHARACTER!
And I'm really not trying to offend or insult you, because, I have nothing but respect for you, and, after all, you haven't done this shit yet, have you?