Sargeist... Yay or Nay?

Jun 25, 2004
I bought Satanic Black Devotion last night and I'm listening to it right now. I'm quite impressed by this album. I love it so far. Black Fucking Murder, Sargeist,Satanic Black Devotion, Panzergod as well as the rest of the album are all good. What do you think of this band/album? .....
Darkthrone originated the style and are therefore not generic.

Generic style regardless :lol: Anyways why don't you like Sargeist Doden (and others) and have you heard Satanic Black Devotion in it's entirety to not like them?... I see nothing wrong with the album... it they do a generic style like Darkthrone they do it well on that album...
A style can't be generic when it's just formulated, btw. Those who copy it are the ones who are generic.

Satanic Black Devotion is just very boring. It's a very poor attempt at trying to recapture what Darkthrone was able to do, but without the balls and wherewithall to get it done. I had the album and sold it.
A style can't be generic when it's just formulated, btw. Those who copy it are the ones who are generic.

Satanic Black Devotion is just very boring. It's a very poor attempt at trying to recapture what Darkthrone was able to do, but without the balls and wherewithall to get it done. I had the album and sold it.

I think they did it better then Darkthrone on that album... Darkthrone have always bored me with the exception of Transylvanian Hunger....

So basically to you only the originators in any genre are worth listening to ... and any other bands after them aren't... like Sargeist and others who do generic BM....

Anyways I think this is a awesome album that any BM fan should have... you guys always complain no bands do generic, lo-fi, atmospheric, grim, evil, epic albums and this one band does just that and you find them "boring" :lol: damn if you do and damn if you don't i suppose...
You're totally missing the point here. I haven't heard the album in question, but I guarantee you it's not less generic than Darkthrone. To say that Darkthrone is generic because many other bands sound like them is way off the mark. I'm not even one to stand up for the old guard all that often, but I'm sure that you're just wrong about this one. Darkthrone and Burzum are the two most important bands in black metal without question. Perhaps Sargeist's style of melody appeals to you a bit more than Darkthrone's.

And regarding this forum, albums that strongly resemble the 2nd wave have been well received here. The latest Inquisition sounds a lot like Immortal circa '93, and I didn't hear anything negative about it at all.

I've heard Disciple of the Heinous Path and I like how the more bassy sound helps deliver the emotions of the music to a higher degree. I think that contingent of the Finnish scene is somewhat underrated by this board.
You're totally missing the point here. I haven't heard the album in question, but I guarantee you it's not less generic than Darkthrone. To say that Darkthrone is generic because many other bands sound like them is way off the mark. I'm not even one to stand up for the old guard all that often, but I'm sure that you're just wrong about this one. Darkthrone and Burzum are the two most important bands in black metal without question. Perhaps Sargeist's style of melody appeals to you a bit more than Darkthrone's.

And regarding this forum, albums that strongly resemble the 2nd wave have been well received here. The latest Inquisition sounds a lot like Immortal circa '93, and I didn't hear anything negative about it at all.

We'll give Sargeist a listen and get back to me. Give me your honest opinion after listening to them and don't play follow the leader like others do on this board (and yes that is evident sometimes on this board). If you want to sample them my three favorite songs on the album are Satanic Black Devotion, Black Fucking Murder and Sargeist. Incidentally they are three longest songs on the album clocking in about 6 + minutes each. But anyways give them a try then tell me what you think. And forget the 1st wave of BM like Darkthrone/Burzum. Sometimes bands should be judge on their own merits and not what has been done in the past.
then why have lyrics? why not just have said black metaller screech ARRRRRRGH! a few times.?

Lyrics are not nearly as important as the music itself. If the lyrics are meaningful and not a bunch of unoriginal bullshit, then that's just an added bonus to the experience of owning and enjoying an album.
I think they did it better then Darkthrone on that album... Darkthrone have always bored me with the exception of Transylvanian Hunger....

So basically to you only the originators in any genre are worth listening to ... and any other bands after them aren't... like Sargeist and others who do generic BM....

Anyways I think this is a awesome album that any BM fan should have... you guys always complain no bands do generic, lo-fi, atmospheric, grim, evil, epic albums and this one band does just that and you find them "boring" :lol: damn if you do and damn if you don't i suppose...

A Blaze In The Northern Sky > Transilvanian Hunger.

sounds like you have your priorities mixed up. listen to that afformentioned album then get back to me.