Sargeist... Yay or Nay?

I've made something of a reputation around here for not being a band wagoner, though I've been more accepting of the typical opinions of people here as I see more and more worth to them. You're a fool though, it is only YOUR opinion that his voice is worthless.

I haven't heard about your so called reputation of not following the leader. Must be in your mind about your rep. Anyways as for being a fool, i contradict that since in order to be a fool in your statement I would have to said that Attila's vocals suck to be a fact and I didn't say any such thing. It is my opinion and regardless of what you or anyone says to me my OPINION is he sucks and he ruined the DMDS album.
It isn't in my mind, you just didn't post much during the times when I originally settled in here under my first name it seems.

But that isn't the topic of discussion here. Sargeist is and they're all but completely worthless.
Just because you disagree with a majority opinion doesn't mean that everyone else is a sheep. Shut the fuck up.
Just because you disagree with a majority opinion doesn't mean that everyone else is a sheep. Shut the fuck up.

It is if they don't think for themselves and are afraid of what the status quo will say if they have a opposing view on this board.. so stop jerking off and get laid...
It isn't in my mind, you just didn't post much during the times when I originally settled in here under my first name it seems.

But that isn't the topic of discussion here. Sargeist is and they're all but completely worthless.

I posted enough I would say... and when I don't post I do read threads... like I said I never saw you be considered as such... but you are right that is not the topic of discussion...

As for your opinion on Sargeist... it is not right or wrong just your opinion like you said mine is about Attila... I just happen to disagree with it and enjoy Sargeist's music... so i could give a fuck what others say... :Smug:
CAN PEOPLE NOT HONESTLY JUST FUCKING AGREE WITH THE MAJORITY OPINION? Is it THAT hard to accept that people can do this without being sheep.

CAN PEOPLE NOT HONESTLY JUST FUCKING AGREE WITH THE MAJORITY OPINION? Is it THAT hard to accept that people can do this without being sheep.
On this board... very rarely... so No... :Smug:

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Cool... makes it easier now and less annoying for people... thanks... :)
Nobody is saying that you can't disagree. We're just laughing at you because you seem to think that everybody here that has the same feeling toward something that seems to be the majority opinion only feels that way simply to fit in.
We'll that is how I see it but I'll compromise and say it's not every topic but a few. It's no different then a HS kid who agrees with his friends due to peer pressure to fit in. Don't tell me that doesn't happen neither. And we both know alot of peeps on this board are HS age.

but anyways I like Sargeist and that is all that matters to me whether you dislike them. I didn't say they were important ala Darkthrone/Emperor/Mayhem/Burzum etc. in the development of BM. Just that they put out good albums that I enjoy.
Show me an example of this trend of sheepdom on this board or stop bringing it up (as this is not the first time you've done so).

I never said you shouldn't like Sargeist either, so stop getting defensive. There are plenty of albums that I love that you don't like, and that has no effect on my listening habits.
Show me an example of this trend of sheepdom on this board or stop bringing it up (as this is not the first time you've done so).
Can't show you a example because even if I did they wouldn't admit it. But open your eyes and have a open mind about it. But again thats really not important because who gives a shit.

I never said you shouldn't like Sargeist either, so stop getting defensive. There are plenty of albums that I love that you don't like, and that has no effect on my listening habits.

With the exception of Attila on DMDS I don't really recall any band or artist's albums I dislike on your list. But it's possible.

Btw who cares if you don't like Sargeist but I was just curious if Craft and any other band is in the same vein so I can check them out since I consider you the most knowledgeable musicwise of the bunch here.
Actually you asked what people thought about the band, so evidently YOU cared. That said, you would probably like Craft if you like Darkthrone worship bands. I'm not very familiar with them myself, but I believe they lean more toward the earlier side than does Sargeist.
Yeah i cared at first but rethought about it and don't anymore.. :)

Other then Craft, what about Tsjuder? Or maybe the other bands on Moribund? Do most of them fall into the same category as Sargeist? ...
I think Tsjuder is a decent listen. I'm not overly familiar with the Moribund catalogue.