Sargeist... Yay or Nay?

Lyrics are not nearly as important as the music itself. If the lyrics are meaningful and not a bunch of unoriginal bullshit, then that's just an added bonus to the experience of owning and enjoying an album.

no they are not as important, esp in extreme metal when you cant understand them. but the arent irrelevant. they have to be relavent, they are there.
Relevance is measured in degrees. Lyrical relevance is low enough that if the quality is bad it will have only a superficial effect on the overal quality of the album. Musical aspects have a very high relevance, so the overall quality is dependent on those aspects being of high quality themselves.

Though I suppose relevance can be a subjective term, in regards to lyrics. I guess for some people they have more of a psychological dependency on lyrics as being as integral to their listening experience than others. I'd love if all the bands I listened to wrote outstanding lyrics, but the fact is some of them do not, but I'm not going to let that affect my opinion of the music.

You could say that people have varying levels of tolerance for bad lyrics. My tolerance is high, so that explains my view on the issue.
I don't care that Sargeist is "Darkthrone worship," I care that they fucking suck and are completely boring and worthless.
The vocalist is worse than Varg, and I consider Varg to be one of the worse bm singer.
^I like Varg's vocals. Even if they do seem to crack at times, maybe he's hitting a banshee scream note, I dont know, I just hope if Burzum has another metal CD it'll be in the low fi style, it fits everything about Burzum perfectly.
A Blaze In The Northern Sky > Transilvanian Hunger.

sounds like you have your priorities mixed up. listen to that afformentioned album then get back to me.

I bought Under the Funeral Moon, Blaze and Transilvanian Hunger all at the same time. I hated Funeral Moon, Blaze was ok and Transilvanian is clearly the better of the three imo. To me they have always been a overrated band but Hunger is my fave one of theirs. But nonetheless, I like Sargeist better.
Clearly you haven't listened to Attila for a really horrible vocalist lol

heard everythin from him, and his worse vocals were on Plasma Pool for sure..... although I found them funny as hell.

I can enjoy burzum but Varg still sounds like a 2 years old baby crying, especially on Aske. (I have one child so I can compare).
Varg is an excellent vocalist in that he effectively captures the essence of the emotions and feelings that he is trying to express in his music and lyrics.
You have to be a pretty big fool to think that I'm playing follow the leader when I'm obviously not following the shepherd.

People need to stop accusing people of being sheep because it gets done FAR too often with no real reason.

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You have to be a pretty big fool to think that I'm playing follow the leader when I'm obviously not following the shepherd.

People need to stop accusing people of being sheep because it gets done FAR too often with no real reason.

Because it's true... especially on this board... and especially when it comes to Attila... the guy is horrible on DMDS... there is no redeeming quality about his vocals whatsoever on that album... most BM fans from what I see play follow the leader when it comes to bands or their individual members... If one popular board member likes or dislikes a band/or member the rest follow even if they don't believe it to be so... some are just afraid to say the opposite because they will get ridiculed. If you think that doesn't happen on this board then you are naive. Now go hide your child porn because Uncle Sam Wants You! :lol: jk
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I've made something of a reputation around here for not being a band wagoner, though I've been more accepting of the typical opinions of people here as I see more and more worth to them. You're a fool though, it is only YOUR opinion that his voice is worthless. I happen to love his vocals, be it in Mayhem, Tormentor, Korog, Burial Chamber Trio, Grave Temple, etc.

I think there is an issue that people have with having to stand out and not allow themselves to blend in with the crowd even the slightest. It is almost as sheepish as accepting what every popular person is saying as truths.