
I dont see in the bible why Lucifer is so evil..The sole act he committed in the bible against humans was that he lead us to the tree of knowledge. Why was that a sin? Why does god consider knowledge bad? In fact in the bible God seems to commit more acts of random terror against us than Lucifer does. I dont see Lucifer kicking people out of the garden for seeking knowledge, or flooding the earth, or even flattening cities---umm, I thought he was a kind and compassionate God??? Doesn't seem very good natured to me, in fact he kinda seems bipolar. And why are we (humans) referred to as fish (I will teach you to be fishers of men) or sheep?? Perhaps its me but I dont like being referred to as food--after all the Shepard only protects his flock until he leads them to slaughter and consumption

if you read the bible straight through, like you're reading a novel, the old testament God seems to be a completely different deity than The Father Of Jesus, also the old testament God seems to be a jack-ass
Belief - Confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof.

Faith - belief that is not based on any proof

Truth - conformity with fact or reality

Which of the three are similar ladies and gentlemen? <--- watch this (and the second part), it shows Satan as positive and God as a tyrant, it basically describes Theistic Satanism (Satan worshiping). Me? I don't believe in God or Satan or religion. Sure I like Satan, only because it opposes religion (and I just naturally like evil/dark things lol). I'm a nihilist who's favourite genre of music is black metal btw. Ironically, I used to be very religious, I've been from Christianity, to Paganism, to Theistic Satanism, so I have read a lot about spirits, magic, demons, etc. :) If you have questions you can always message me.
I dont see in the bible why Lucifer is so evil..The sole act he committed in the bible against humans was that he lead us to the tree of knowledge. Why was that a sin? Why does god consider knowledge bad? In fact in the bible God seems to commit more acts of random terror against us than Lucifer does. I dont see Lucifer kicking people out of the garden for seeking knowledge, or flooding the earth, or even flattening cities---umm, I thought he was a kind and compassionate God??? Doesn't seem very good natured to me, in fact he kinda seems bipolar. And why are we (humans) referred to as fish (I will teach you to be fishers of men) or sheep?? Perhaps its me but I dont like being referred to as food--after all the Shepard only protects his flock until he leads them to slaughter and consumption

You just described Theistic Satanism fyi
I know that Satan has the best belief is that he's a metaphor for evil deeds and also a tool to scare christian boys and girls.I don't believe in personifications of good and evil,God and Satan nor an afterlife.Also I think that one could meet their own personal Satan if they perform a foul deed and find that their conscious can't handle what they've done.
My firm belief is that the human brain functions through electric pulses created by the human heart,once the heart ceases so does the brain,people tend to use out of body experience as a sign of the afterlife and greater powers but i'd say those experiences are hallucinations brought on by changes the brain goes through prior to death.

Same here :)
Satan is a fictional character, just like Jesus, God and the lot of metaphysical entities, spirits, presences etc. I think they are all thoroughly unbelievable characters in the truest sense of the word.

Uh, buddy, Jesus ain't fictional, and that's an objective FACT.

As for the topic, I do think Satan exists as a demonic entity, a long with all the other demons cast out from heaven. From studying the paranormal and seeing evidence of demonic activity as well as angelic, I do think there are two very distinct sides to the coin. As such, I do believe God and Satan are polar opposites.
Uh, buddy, Jesus ain't fictional, and that's an objective FACT.

wait a min
there's a difference between Jesus the Carpenter From Nazereth and Jesus The Son Of God

there is outside the bible proof that a cult leader from Nazereth was executed in aproximately 33 AD

there is no scientific proof that this guy was the ofspring of a deity
To me, Satan and God as higher powers is bull shit. But I do believe that metaphorically, everyone has Satan and God inside of them. I'm not too spiritual in the afterlife way, but I believe that to gain the greatest possible spiritual connection, it is best to let yourself go and become one with nature and your natural self. Meditation, in a way. Organized religion is mostly shit to me. The only one that makes sense to me (philosophically) is Laveyan satanism, because it is more liberal and free flowing than Christianity. I have no problem with anyone's beliefs whatsoever. I often share my personal beliefs about doubting the afterlife, and I have been told that I need "spiritual help" by none other then...a christian! Even these days, Christians are still ignorant of others beliefs. It just gives Christians a bad name, as does Satanists burning churches.
To me, Satan and God as higher powers is bull shit. But I do believe that metaphorically, everyone has Satan and God inside of them. I'm not too spiritual in the afterlife way, but I believe that to gain the greatest possible spiritual connection, it is best to let yourself go and become one with nature and your natural self. Meditation, in a way. Organized religion is mostly shit to me. The only one that makes sense to me (philosophically) is Lavayen satanism, because it is more liberal and free flowing than Christianity. I have no problem with anyone's beliefs whatsoever. I often share my personal beliefs about doubting the afterlife, and I have been told that I need "spiritual help" by none other then...a christian! Even these days, Christians are still ignorant of others beliefs. It just gives Christians a bad name, as does Satanists burning churches.

I'm not a fan of the whole idea of living in complete happiness in the afterlife forever. It's kind of scary. Happiness 24/7? I would die. At least problems keep things "exciting". Problems and conflict lead to a higher level of intelligence. As much as they may hurt, problems are positive in many ways.
I'm not a fan of the whole idea of living in complete happiness in the afterlife forever. It's kind of scary. Happiness 24/7? I would die. At least problems keep things "exciting". Problems and conflict lead to a higher level of intelligence. As much as they may hurt, problems are positive in many ways.

i understand that heaven and hell is clearly an artificial construct designed to aleivieate pain/frustration concerning death of loved ones and the deaths of evil people
but if heaven and hell somehow did exist i think maybe i'd wanna go to hell, in heaven i'd be bored out of my mind
Evidence/reasoning trumps faith

but for some peeps ... now playing ...

Catching waves on Lucifer's beach
taking shade underneath Lucifer's trees
getting sustenance from Lucifer's peach
oh black metal its affecting all your speech

My Morning Jacket - holdin on to black metal
I don't believe in Satan, but I love pointing out that he was not necessarily referred to as evil, but rather as astray (his name comes from a word meaning astray) or slanderous. He was certainly not thought of as good, but the modern perspective of a being whose goal is to fuck over all humanity is a bit off from the original perspective of a being who challenged God.
ahhaahha never lend to Jesus Or Satan your cds or lps, they never give you them back...Since i invited them to my house i cannot find my black sabbath vinil D:
That's an interting point of view Grank... but I'm hanging out with Satan and Jesus Christ right now... and yeah Jesus did say that Satan was "the enemy" but he was mostly just pissed because Satan hadn't returned his copy of Obituary's "Cause of Death". Now that that has been remedied they're buds again... water under the bridge. In fact we're all chillin' to some Deicide and eating tacos right now. You should come over!