And that red flame 7-string Warrior, drrrrooooollll - what speakers have you got in all those cabs, Dave? V30s in at least one, I hope...
At one time i had V30's in the Randall, but sold them for something years ago,,don't quite remember what though

i have been thinking about picking up some new speakers from Warehouse though to go in an emty cab i have in storage. the diamond grate Carvin(1982) cab has Celestion Sidewinders in it, the other carvin is a stock(and almost mint) 1978 with the carvin Magnalabs in it(which actually sound pretty tight) and i have no idea what is in the genz benz, but it sound pretty righteous
I was just going to say holy shit.
How much did that cost ya???
I've always wanted that guitar...and is that a death angel as opposed to a warrior?? They look a tad different.
The Death Warrior(top is a Death Angel, bottom is a warrior) now lives in the UK, she was great and sounded like a thunder god,,, but i absolutely have to have at least 24 frets,,the new owner loves her so she is in good hands
Yeah, I fully admit to being a total Jackson ignoramus, so I could very well be wrong! Looks great either way, but what do you suppose was the logic in angling the bridge humbucker on the steel plate warrior?
Ya know I don't really know the answer to that

I'm sure that i should,, but couldn't tell you right now

I do know they did the all orig. 90's run like that though :Smokedev:
"The Unavoidable"
once again brother get the Savage,,you will not be disappointed