" Save KillerGon thread "

Do you want killergon back to the forum ?

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There are just to many of you newb idiots.. Rock Hydra, You, Grimes, Gualliam of gayness, when u fags get together u post and agree with eachother and u think u are cool and ur pwning people all it really is.. is a bunch of faggots sucking eachothers dicks. You guys are pwning nobody.
:lol: at this thread growing... i thinks its a new record :p 7 pages in 10 hours :D
RiderOfJustice said:
There are just to many of you newb idiots.. Rock Hydra, You, Grimes, Gualliam of gayness, when u fags get together u post and agree with eachother and u think u are cool and ur pwning people all it really is.. is a bunch of faggots sucking eachothers dicks. You guys are pwning nobody.

Rock Hydra is cool, despite being a metalcore fan:lol:
RiderOfJustice said:
There are just to many of you newb idiots.. Rock Hydra, You, Grimes, Gualliam of gayness, when u fags get together u post and agree with eachother and u think u are cool and ur pwning people all it really is.. is a bunch of faggots sucking eachothers dicks. You guys are pwning nobody.

Oooh, shit. Here we go. Shut the fuck up. I have never gone off on a member, except War Blade. One time, he deserved it, the other I apologiezed cause I was drunk as hell. I don't pwn people cause this is the fucking internet, people need to realize this. You are as annoying as a fucking pimple on my ass, yet I refrain from starting shit. Fuck off.