spaster said:

My Dad has lived in America with my step mum (who is American) for the last year, in a few months my wife and i are taking our baby out to see them. And as i said, just out of interest thats all.
spaster said:
Wilks,I am glad I got to you,that was my hope.And if you care about the future of our children,than we do agree.I am not Catholic,so religion is not at the heart of my arguement.I believe to live and let live.But the radicals crave death as much as I love life.America is a tolerant country,a melting pot.All our great grandparents came together to form this great country.And we all fought bravely together to protect our way.Unfortunately we will have to do it again.If you are going to call me ignorant,at least try to spell better.

Thats just it i see the U.S.A, and the U.K. as radicals that want to impose their ideals on the rest of the world.Yes we have to fight together but this war started hundreds of years ago,and will carry on for a long time yet.You and i have brains enough to discuss this by why of word,and i hope (i do) have respect for each others opion.
By the way on a personal note.No i can't spell and my gramma is shit.I hope you can understnd what i am trying to say.Out of everyone who has used this forum in the past 4 years you are the first to pass judgement .Ihopeyou dont think i am stupid for this short coming.
Having met Wilks personally on a couple of occasions, I can say that he is far from being 'stupid'. Just because somebody is not a good speller, or does not have good gramma, does'nt make them thick. The only suspect thing about Wilks is his musical taste! :lol:

As for Bush and Blair. There surely can't have ever been any world leaders in the past that have been hated more than those two are? Well Hitler and Mussolini perhaps?! Blair brought Britain into a war that was never ours, and now we are all at risk. As for Bush, many of the Eastern countries hated America, but now many of the Western countries do as well. So he is not exactly leaving behind a great legacy. And the American people elected him into office twice!
WILKS said:
By the way on a personal note.No i can't spell and my gramma is shit.I hope you can understnd what i am trying to say.Out of everyone who has used this forum in the past 4 years you are the first to pass judgement .Ihopeyou dont think i am stupid for this short coming.

Right, I'm sticking my bit in now! I know the folk on here are mostly nice, and we have a bit of good natured banter about things (none moreso than me, when it comes to spelling and grammar! lol) but when it starts to get "personal", I don't think it's on!! I didn't like Spaster's comment about your spelling - especially as his own spelling and grammar aren't spot on. I think it's clear from this, and your other posts on matters of a serious nature, that you are definitely not stupid, Wilks. Being able to spell and being grammatically correct aren't definitive signs of 'cleverness' anyway (as Paxoman said) - I can spell, but I'm no brainbox, and I have to say, I don't know anything about Politics (because I have never taken an interest, to be honest, and to my shame!). On a 'lighter' note, you don't look the "type" who would know about Politics either!! :lol: Shows how looks can be deceiving though, doesn't it? :)
I thought this was a Saxon tour thread.Where did all this shit come?I think religion and politics don't belong here,there is a proper forum,but not here.Where is the proper forum?????On the battle field,or maybe from the Vatican through the Pope.I can't name one place where these topics can be discussed peacefully,not in any point in history.This is probably why religion is not taught in public school,because we should have our own beliefs and not discuss them as 'who's right or wrong'.If as adults these cannot be discussed,can you imagine kids fighting/killing eachother in school.Yeah,I have kids too,but I don't think if something tragic happened to them that I would go to England and 'go after' some Brit who chose to express his opinion.Why not go track down some terrorists yourself.Forget I said that,this is going nowhere so I will stop here.If interested to discuss this further,start a new thread titled something stupid like 'I love George W" or whatever so I know to ignore it.By the way not everyone voted for Bush,I don't think he won the first time,hmmmm..
Politics threads suck, haha.

I just gotta get to Saxon's next concert in here. I'm just afraid I can't. Hah, it's like all my favourite bands release a new CD next year and make a world tour and I can't go to watch any of their concerts. Now how unfair is that, haha. :lol:
Yeah yor right redman.Spaster and i are just locking horns.I think if we had time to chat we would agree with each other.We are heading to the same place but from differant directions.
At the end of of the day put a cd on or take to a gig and for a couple of hours the problem i have is during which shall i go to the bar.:lol:
Pax,Sammi thanks for the kind words.
WILKS said:
the problem i have is during which shall i go to the bar.:lol:
Pax,Sammi thanks for the kind words.

I'd go to the Bar/Toilet during 'The Eagle has Landed' myself! :lol: As for the 'kind words', you're welcome, I'd do the same for anyone if someone was having a personal dig at them :)
Sammi951 said:
I'd go to the Bar/Toilet during 'The Eagle has Landed'

As many people do! I think it is just because it is a longer song, and you can go to the toilet or bar, and still be back for the next song, rather than it being a slight on the song itself! My experiance is, you can can go to the toilet and just be back in time for the jumping bit at the end of the song! It would be helpful to us beer drinking Saxon gig goers if the band could write a few more of these 'toilet' songs! :lol:
Lol, toilet songs.. :lol: I think The Eagle Has Landed is one of their best songs, ecspesially with modern gear which gives it so majestic sound. Damn you guys, do you even remember anything after the show? "Mmh, yeah.. I drank one beer, then another one... then they started their concert with The Eagle Has Landed... and the last thing I can remember is the toilet and the bouncer throwing me from the pub"
Paxoman said:
Well this is why a few of us go to as many gigs as possible. That way, we can remember a little bit from each show, and then we put all the bits together and that makes up one full show! :lol:

Thats Pure Genius mate! :kickass:
Going to the toilet???????????!!!!!!!!!! In the good old days you made good use of the pocket of the person next to you and didn't miss anything. This country!!!!