Saxon in Brussels

Originally posted by Nilion
finally im not the youngest on a board anymore...:)
Nilion, you were never youngest on this board, cause I was here before you :p
As for you Paxoman...yep, you are indeed 12...well, that's definitely your mental age!! :D :lol: Sorry babe - thought I'd get that one in before someone else did!! ;)

Oi, and we'll have less of the "leave the chick at home" an' all, matey!! :mad: :bah:
Good on ya saxonmckenz! I'm going to Manchester for Christmas, so hopefully me and Sammi will be able to sort something out. If we do go I'll just order one ticket. But you'll have to send your spare ticket to me if that's ok, cos I'm not gonna travel without both tickets in my possession.

No problem Paxoman. As soon as you and Sammi decide over Christmas, let me know.

Our ticket numbers are 1407-1410. The venue holds 2 thousand.

So that could mean that almost 3/4 are sold so far or maybe 600 if they work backwards overthere. But another outlet in Belgium is selling tickets so i don't really know.

But i do know that when i normally buy tickets in this country, they are anything from number 10 to 500, never as high as that.

I think i am rambling, i guess the excitement is getting to much. The thought of more than 1500 fans in Belgium, the Eagle AHHHHHHHHH! I can't wait.
Nilion, did Santa bring you a ticket yet? You better get organised, it's only three weeks away.

What about Pax and Sammi? Have you decided yet or are you still chewing the fat (turkey that is)?
Yep, both me and Paxoman are going to Brussels!! So it's Saxon in Brussels on the Saturday, then again in London on the Sunday...what a rock and roll lifestyle we lead eh? :lol: :D

Nilion - what's the weather like in Brussels at this time of year?
Saxonmckenz - As Sammi said, we are going to Brussels! We are booked into the same hotel as you and are getting there by Eurostar (we will be there friday afternoon). I know you have a spare ticket but we ordered 2 tickets, it was just easier to get 2 tickets rather then mess around. See you in Brussels! :) :D