Saxon in Brussels

that were great times.....


Dirty dishwater or a particularly dodgy urine sample! (delete where applicable)

But served with a slice of Lemon as they do in Belgium and Northern France its bloody fantastic.

I enjoy the odd pint of Hoegarden in summer, some pubs in York sell it (the real ale type pubs) and i have a slice of lime in it. Its cloudy because its a wheat beer, tasty :kickass:
Wow, now this thread really is a blast from the past! This was my very first Saxon gig in another country. The funny thing is (I don't think I ever told Saxonmckenz this, but he is in Australia so I can tell now!), the week before the gig I came down with chicken pox! I was totally gutted because it looked like I would have to pull out of the gig. Sammi came down from Manchester to London on the Friday, and we were meant to be going straight to Brussels. But it wasn't until that Friday that I knew if I would be well enough to go or not, as I was still feeling unwell on the Thursday night. Anyway, Friday morning I wasn't feeling too bad, so off we went. I knew I really shouldn't go because I was probably gonna infect the whole of Brussels! But my first Saxon gig abroad, how could I not go? I'm sure Mckenz wouldn't have invited us into his hotel room for a drink if he knew I had chicken pox! lol. Anyway, the gig was fantastic, and thank god I made it. Of all the times to catch chicken pox!

We went to see Saxon at the Astoria the very next night, and that was the very first time we met Fingers. He came up to me in the 'Moon Under Water' and said "Are you Paxoman from the Saxon forum?". He saw I had a Saxon t shirt on from the tour, and guessed it must be me as he knew we went to Brussels. And that's pretty much how the forum 'meets' started for me and Sammi. Great memories, and of course I/we have gone on to meet plenty more people from the forum, all over the country and abroad as well. Great band, great fans, great times.

Whatever happened to Crusader? Nillion is still around, not on the forum but she is on Lastfm and doing ok the last time I heard from her.