Saxon's best support groups....

well said paxoman.....ozzy prince of darkness, destroyer of bats,pissing on the reduced to singing (i mean fucking miming)cover versions at the royal variety command performance....i ask you
i never thourght i would see the day when ozzy ozbourne was the support act for cliff still fucking laughing now.....what a washed up tosser......
ps i went to see sabbath on there reunion tour at the nec birmingham.....and 7 years later they are still doing the same set at the download festival last june surely they can afford to change some of the songs on ozzys autocue.... we know them now as kareoke sabbath
saxon once headlined there own one day festival at the queens hall leeds in 1984 full crusader stage complete with battlements ,knights etc...i can remember and bare with me as its 21 yrs ago that twisted sister were on the bill and girlschool but as for the rest of the bill oh and during eagle has landed biff came down from the ceiling on a suspended harley davison..(class)
any help with the rest of the bill will be was may 1984
ps i hate been a junior member as im nearly forty and first saw saxon in 1980
timothy sykes said:
saxon once headlined there own one day festival at the queens hall leeds in 1984 full crusader stage complete with battlements ,knights etc...i can remember and bare with me as its 21 yrs ago that twisted sister were on the bill and girlschool but as for the rest of the bill oh and during eagle has landed biff came down from the ceiling on a suspended harley davison..(class)
any help with the rest of the bill will be was may 1984
ps i hate been a junior member as im nearly forty and first saw saxon in 1980

Are you sure???? Jeez, sounds like a great gig!!
I'm afraid Saxon have never failed to let me down on the support band front - I know they will be shite, and they ALWAYS are, it means I don't have to rush my tea and speed to the gig!!
Actually, I do always try to at least look at the support band, just to give them a chance, possibly they may even be half decent. However, as soon as I see the latest load of 1982 throwback mullet-wearing part-time car mechanics lumber on stage like a piss poor Spinal Tap*, churning out mid tempo "power metal" (aka lukewarm shit), which no-one in their right mind would buy, apart from their close friends and family, I head for the bar. If they are German, I won't even bother to give them a look, they will be excruciating, I guarantee.
As has been said, the only deviation from the "shit support band" tour spec had to have been Loudness (Roudness??), they were blinding!!

I'd hesitate to say who the worst ones have been, possibly a band called Bedlam Choir some years back. I was fully convinced they were actually a spoof band, but apparently not. Featuring a singer wearing a pair of superskintight turquoise Spandex kegs and a t-shirt that just covered the beerbelly hanging over his waistband, they were truly abysmal.

If Saxon did actually manage to get a decent support band, say somebody maybe 50% of the audience had heard of, surely the attendances at gigs would rise? For instance, fans who maybe haven't seen Saxon for 15 yrs, might not feel like taking a trip down memory lane for just them, but if Accept were supporting? "Yeah, go on then, I remember they weren't bad, sod it, I'll give it a punt". Before you know it, they've bought the latest LP, and they are back as being "active" fans. You also get to pull the Accept fans who have perhaps never heard much Saxon. (Yeah yeah, I know what I said about German support bands, but these are the exception to the rule!)

*No, don't even THINK about saying it. I won't find it funny, nor will anyone else!
Well it's Blitzkrieg who are supporting Saxon in Norwich and Manchester this April, so you canny really get much better than that. Blitzkrieg are totally mindblowing, one of my fav bands, and it would be absolutely like a dream come true seeing those 2 bands on the same night. I just hope Saxon announce a Scottish date ultra soon AND BRING THE MIGHTY KRIEG WITH THEM.
Blitzkrieg??? A band who, let's face it, never quite made an impression, and if we're being totally honest, just about no-one would remember if it weren't for a certain B-side by a certain Mega-Metal band . (Hint for the hard-of-thinking : Metallica) If this was 1983, I would definitely be in there, keen to check them out, but not today. To see a young hungry band emerging from an exciting new scene is one thing, to see some old farts who have been treading water, totally invisible to the vast majority, for the past 25 years is quite another.

I hope you enjoy them, Princess, I am sure that you, along with the 2 band girlfriends and their couple of 16yr old cousins (at their first ever gig) will have a blinder, jumping around just in front of the singer. I feel also sure that he will focus on that little group, almost as if there was no-one else in the room..........That's because there won't be, well, not anyone else who gives a flying fuck. Everyone else will be just gritting their teeth, putting up with the inevitable full-on Cheddar dick-cheese assault, praying for the end so Saxon can come and save us.

It's a crying shame, it really is, Saxon should be taking out bands with PROVEN track records, bands who the average Saxon fan will associate with. Spare us the pub bands, we see them week in, week out, for free. When we go to a show, we want to see something of a little higher quality.
It's not like they need to have a shit support so they can look better, we all know that Saxon could comfortably kick any band you wish to mention right up the shitter, in terms of confidence, stage-craft, presence, musicianship etc, and that's before you even mention the music and songs!!!!!

Looks like it's another evening in the bar then! And I probably won't be able to convince any of my old-fart mates to come with me (the kind of guys who used to go up to Bingley Hall to see Saxon), they now have mortgages, kids, (Grand-kids, YIKES!!!!)etc. To travel to Wolverhampton to see one band? Naaaah, can't afford it. To go and see a couple of bands they used to enjoy? Hmmmm, just maybe, and hey, they'll take the Old Boot too, make a night of it.

Mark my words, if Saxon don't start to think about things like this, they WILL sink beneath the waves, despite the best efforts of you or I , the die-hard fans who will go and see them in a garage. Short of releasing a killer trend-setting new musical genre on the world at large, which I think you'll agree is highly unlikely, the best way of sustaining interest in the band would be to put together interesting bills, and make the gigs worth the ticket price from the moment the first band gets on stage, not just "Saxon + Some losers". Sooner or later, the not-quite-die-hard fans start to feel short-changed, and put their ticket money towards a Saga break or something, instead of joining us in the throng!!!
Well Blitzkrieg certainly made an impression on me, I've loved them since the very first time I saw them and I still love them and still listen to their albums to this day. I love every single song of theirs, they are an amazing band and I think it's a great honour for everyone going to see Saxon at Norwich and Manchester that they will get to see Blitzkrieg as well. I cannot believe in all honesty that you would rather stand at the bar whilst Blitzkrieg are playing - are you mental or something!!!!! To see Saxon & Blitzkrieg together would definitely be the highlight of the year for me and I would sell my soul to see both bands together, no doubt about it. I saw Saxon a few times before and I cannot honestly remember what bands supported them then, that was how much of an impression those support bands made on me.

The Krieg imo are one of the best NWOBHM bands still around these days - of course they are getting on a bit but I bet you they will still rock like f*ck and I truly hope its Blitzkrieg for Glasgow as well, or Diamond Head would also do rather nicely.

And yes of course it would be great if Saxon could get a young hardrockin band to back them up but the problem there is that there are very few new young rock bands around - in fact I can't think of any half-decent new bands that I would really go out of my way to see. I still listen to loads of NWOBHM bands cos I saw loads of them plus I still think those bands are some of the best bands on the planet. I do listen to other newer bands plus older classic rock bands obviously but only for a wee while, then its straight back into the NWOBHM ones. And I don't care if anyone thinks I'm still living in the past, I friggin well love the music I listen to and love the fact that a few of t hem are out touring and still rockin it hard.

And I think you're totally wrong saying that no-one gives a flying fuck about Blitzkrieg, I know plenty of folk who are seeing them next month in Belfast and they're just about to explode at the thought of seeing them again.
No no no, my dear, I didn't say a "young hard rocking band" in particular. I certainly don't want to see some tribal tattoed beeny-wearing oiks with their baggy trousers round their knees, playing some shouty tripe. Leave that to Ozzfest. (See my opinion of that heap of shite, elsewhere!)

No, I said bands with a proven track record etc. For instance, off the top of my head, there was talk on here not so long back about Waysted. Now I haven't seen Waysted since they supported Maiden back in mid-80's, but I know the pedigree of the band, know that at least some of them (OK, Pete Way) have always been out there playing in half-decent, PROVEN bands, not playing in pub-rock covers bands for 25 years, and so if they were support, I'd go and watch. They may turn out to be crap, but the attraction of the name, and the association of someone like Pete Way, lights up a little lightbulb in my head, makes me want to go and see.

I love NWOBHM, listened to my Mythra 12" and Vardis LPs just the other day, but would I want to go to see them as a support? Not likely, Steve Zodiac has probably been my bank manager for the past 20 years for all I know! What is needed is a band that, like Saxon, if we are honest, never quite made the realms of superstardom like Def Leppard etc, but didn't disappear into oblivion until 25 years later someone's son goaded them into "re-forming" for a "come-back" or "NWOBHM revival", dropping the covers like "Wishing Well" they have been playing down at the Plough and Harrow every Saturday night for the tracks on their one and only album release! That just stinks of "More Bad News".

A better place to find a support band would be the bigger biker rallies, as opposed to the "where are they now - working at Tescos, promoted to area manager" file, or the "Euro cock-cheese board".

Not that I'm going to miss Saxon, but it would help drag in the masses! :headbang:
I saw Waysted at the Derbyshire Rock & Blues Festival (a Biker Rally run by the Outlaws) and they 'kin roccccckkkked (Tygers of Pan Tang were there too). It would be great to see Waysted alongside Saxon. Viking Skull are a new band who would be good to see as support (seen them several times when they supported Dio). Saw "The Answer" supporting Deep Purple last week and they were ok too.
TheAssMaster said:
I certainly don't want to see some tribal tattoed beeny-wearing oiks with their baggy trousers round their knees, playing some shouty tripe. Leave that to Ozzfest. (See my opinion of that heap of shite, elsewhere!)

No I definitely don't want to see any shit band like that either, I saw one shite band like that last year when I had the misfortune of seeing In Flames when they supported Motorhead + Girlschool and they were chronic beyond belief.

I dunno about Waysted though. I mean I quite like them but they played here just last month when they supported The Quireboys but the following night Magnum were playing and with funds being somewhat on the low side due to Christmas etc., I could only really afford to see the one band, so I picked Magnum and they were crackin. Someone Iknow went to see Waysted that night and said they were pretty poor but that's only one person's opinion cos Mad Dan on here is huge Waysted fan and I'm sure he'll say they were fantastic.

I'm not really caring who supports Saxon cos I'll be going along to see them whoever the hell supports them. When I saw Saxon in Edinburgh, the support band didn't turn up but that suited me fine cos I really just wanted to see Saxon anyway. The year before it was that Dream Evil, they were quite good but I don't think I'd go see them again unless they were supporting some other good band.

I would love to see Vardis with Saxon - seen Vardis before and they were great and I was listening to them the other week there too. They're reforming again, so maybe it will be Vardis.

I'd been deliriously happy if its either Diamond Head, Blitzkreig, Girlschool, Mantis for Glasgow but will just need to wait and see - they haven't even announced a Glasgow date yet anyway.

Goss - I'm so ultra jealous that you saw Purple. I was really wanting to go see them at The Astoria on 17th but just didn't manage it. Now that support band, The Answer, I've heard them and I think they are really great. Quite Zeppy, yeah I'd be happy if The Answer supported Saxon as well. I saw the Tygers of Pan Tang a couple of times, they were always superb live. Saw the Tygers many moons ago along with Praying Mantis - what a fab night that was.
Yeah - Deep Purple were great. Ian Gillan, Roger Glover and Ian Paice all signed my Deep Purple / Gillan / Dio jacket (which is even better than my Saxon jacket !!) backstage afterwards.
Cheers, Goss.
GOSS said:
Ian Gillan, Roger Glover and Ian Paice all signed my Deep Purple / Gillan / Dio jacket (which is even better than my Saxon jacket !!) backstage afterwards.
Cheers, Goss.

Sitting here totally stunned, you got them to sign your jacket, I'm gobsmacked. And you got backstage afterwards - I HATE YOU lol!!!!! How did you manage that?

How many jackets have you got lol? Your Saxon one is supreme, I think its amazing but I think mine is just as good as yours. You've just given me an idea, I've got another levi jacket that I haven't put one patch or badge on, so I might start doing another one. I bought 3 patches recently, funnily enough a Deep Purple Stormbringer one which is lovely, a new Scorpions one (glittery one) and another Budgie one (Nightflight). I'm going to have to try and squeeze them onto my jacket somewhere, or else I might just start a new one tonight.
I totally agree that a multi band show is a bigger draw than just one name band.If you people in England saw some of the venues that Saxon booked before they cancelled you would laugh yourself silly.200-300 person gigs are not what a band like Saxon deserve when they come to this country.Last fall I saw Deep Purple,Thin Lizzy and Joe Satriani together and they drew 6500 people.There are plenty of bands touring right now that would make a great show with Saxon.Dio,Waystead,UFO,Krokus,Pat Travers,Scorps are just a few.
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
I dunno about Waysted though. I mean I quite like them but they played here just last month when they supported The Quireboys but the following night Magnum were playing and with funds being somewhat on the low side due to Christmas etc., I could only really afford to see the one band, so I picked Magnum and they were crackin. Someone Iknow went to see Waysted that night and said they were pretty poor but that's only one person's opinion cos Mad Dan on here is huge Waysted fan and I'm sure he'll say they were fantastic.

And there we have it! Now imagine if both bands were on the same bill, you wouldn't have had the dilemma! I'd even venture that even if both of them together meant the ticket was slightly dearer, you'd still have gone. (Up to a point, of course, not talking twice the price)
How many of us went to see Priest last year, supported by the Scorpions? Blinding gig, IMHO, worth the ticket price, a SHOW, rather than just Priest + Support

I can tell you absolutely, that if Saxon toured with another "name" band, their fortunes in the UK would certainly be done no harm, probably improve. Remember those gigs at Bingley Hall all those years ago, with bills we'd kill to see? (Actually, I was a mere nipper, but what line-ups!)
The reason I keep harping on, is because I can see an obvious way to drag in more people to the live shows, (leading to more LP sales?) which would be of benefit to us all. I don't want to see my favourite ever band playing to dwindling audiences, they should be uniting their strengths with others, even if it means the "Special Guest" gets to play longer than the standard 40 mins, and a higher profile billing on the promo literature.

Come on chaps, wake up, give us a decent gig, not just your set. Make it something that people would kick themselves for missing - Saxon-fest!!!