Saxon's best support groups....

kickurass said:
Hope some of you will check out STEEL TORMENTOR when we support Saxon in Dublin.Our style is firmly rooted in the classic metal tradition no baggy trouser here !!!!

Look forward to seeing you in Dublin Kickurass (if I still have any money left after 5 days of raising hell !!!). Note Steel Tormentor are also at Bloodstock this year, so may see you there as well !!! Rooooooooccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkk !!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheers, Goss.
TheAssMaster said:
And there we have it! Now imagine if both bands were on the same bill, you wouldn't have had the dilemma! I'd even venture that even if both of them together meant the ticket was slightly dearer, you'd still have gone. (Up to a point, of course, not talking twice the price)
How many of us went to see Priest last year, supported by the Scorpions? Blinding gig, IMHO, worth the ticket price, a SHOW, rather than just Priest + Support

Yip that would have been pretty damn good to see Magnum with either Waysted or the Quireboys, then I would have got to see all 3 bands instead of just Magnum. At the Magnum concert they didn't have any support band at all cos they were doing the 25th Anniversary of On a Storyteller's Night tour and they were on for well over 2 and a half hours. Waysted I would quite liked to have seen but not that bothered about the Quireboys. Anyway I'm glad I chose the Magnum concert cos they were awesome. I hadn't seen them for a long long time and they truly blew me away they were that superb and I can't wait to see them again cos they totally rocked that Garage to the core.

Yes I was at the Priest/Scorps gig as well. I went mainly to see Scorps cos I've been a fan for years but had never seen them before. I have to confess I was never much of a Priest fan and was actually just going to go see the Scorps and leave before Preist came on. Scorps were absolutely fantastic but when Priest came on, I was totally stunned and gobsmacked at just how tremendous they were, they were 100% totally sensational. And even the 2 ultra naff Priest songs that I loathe, Breaking the Law and Living After Midnight, even they sounded brilliant that night. So yes it was excellent indeed seeing 2 amazing bands on the same bill rather than just one amazing band and usual crappy support band.

I think the price of the ticket to see Saxon is really cheap - £15 I think is cheap as chips to see a band like Saxon and Magnum as well were just about that price. If I go see a tribute band, you're talking about £10 to £12 just for tribute band, so for another couple of quid you get to see the real deal, so I think £15 is a snip. Or even better than that, I was lucky to get a ticket for Saxon in Ediburgh last year for only £2.50 off Ebay - unreal or what.
£15 to see Saxon alone is incredible, £15 to see Saxon and Blitzkrieg is totally brilliant and £15 to see Saxon, Girlschool and Blitzkrieg at Wolverhampton is mindblowing to say the least. I'd gladly pay £500 to see those 3 bands play on the same bill without even thinking twice about it.
timothy sykes said:
saxon once headlined there own one day festival at the queens hall leeds in 1984 full crusader stage complete with battlements ,knights etc...i can remember and bare with me as its 21 yrs ago that twisted sister were on the bill and girlschool but as for the rest of the bill oh and during eagle has landed biff came down from the ceiling on a suspended harley davison..(class)
any help with the rest of the bill will be was may 1984
ps i hate been a junior member as im nearly forty and first saw saxon in 1980

Twisted Sister.
Battle Axe.

Noddy Holder compered the show.

Go to and click on 'Bands' and then go to Saxon. If you scroll down, there is an advert for it.
With regards to the above. How about an anniversary festival of all things NWOBHM with Saxon headlining?

Diamond Head.
Tygers Of Pan Tang.
Vardis or Blitzkrieg (or both!).

Sounds good to me, and all bands that are still doing the rounds now. It probably wouldn't attract the younger generation, but f**k 'em! The NWOBHM metal gig that they recently had at the Astoria sounded like a bit of a waste of time to me. Putting the above bands together would have been the way to do it!

By the way, did you go to the Astoria gig Princess?
Paxoman said:
With regards to the above. How about an anniversary festival of all things NWOBHM with Saxon headlining?

Diamond Head.
Tygers Of Pan Tang.
Vardis or Blitzkrieg (or both!).

By the way, did you go to the Astoria gig Princess?

No Paxoman I didn't manage to get down to London for that NWOBHM gig. I'm still kicking myself, I really should have made more of an effort. The line-up was pretty good - well I'd love to have seen DiamondHead, Praying Mantis and Witchfynde - Jaguar and Bronz I wasn't too bothered whether I saw them or not cos I'd seen them both before and they were good and if they were playing Glasgow I'd definitely check them out but I wouldn't travel too far to see them.

That line-up you mentioned looks mindblowing. I'd love it if all of those bands were on the same bill somewhere, I'd travel halfway across the globe to see that concert!! My 5 fav bands for a NWOBHM festival thingy would be Saxon, Diamond Head, Girlschool, Blitzkrieg and Angel Witch if they could get back together again. I think AW usually reform every 3 or 4 years, so who knows maybe we'll all be lucky and get to see them this year. I HOPE SO!!!!
Thanks for all the banter about Blitzkrieg :)

actually we never went away ( a few line up changes ) but still did shows in Europe & USA and released cd`s along the way

We are really looking forward to the Saxon tour .. I for one first saw Saxon open for Motorhead at Newcastle City Hall in 1979 ...

The current Blitzkrieg line up features

Brian Ross - Vocals
Ken Johnson - Guitars
Guy Laverick - Guitars
Phil Brewis - Drums
Paul Brewis - Bass

Not sure what kinda set we will be doin come April ,but in a full set we do tracks from `Time of Changes` right up to the 2005 release `Sins & Greed`
and even a SATAN track ;-)
Wow welcome to the Saxon board ESC4P3!!!! I've always been a huge fan of The Krieg's and think Blitzkrieg are one of the best bands on the planet, along with Saxon, Rush, Budgie and Diamond Head of course.

You guys are awesome and I know for a fact that you'll bring the roof down. And it's fantastic that you're supporting Saxon, I'll be seeing youse at Wulfrun, so it'll be Saxon, girlschool and Blitzkrieg - 3 mindblowing bands on the same bill - I am almost wetting myself in anticipation at the thought of such a superior night. This concert will definitely be the best concert of my life - yes even better than the Rush 30th anniversary tour concert which was totally out of this world.

And right now I'm listening to Mists of Avalon - which is damn fantastic:headbang:
Thank you very much for the welcome :)
really appreciate it ..
for the record my fave Saxon support band woudlhave to be RIOT
`fire down under` was a killer album when it was released way back then :)
but thanks for the welcome :)
With all this talk about Saxon support bands, I'm actually dreaming about them now.

Had a superb dream last night - Saxon were playing and there were 4 bands on the bill as well but it was to be a surprise, no-one knew beforehand who the bands were. So I make my way to the venue which turns out to be some old delapidated warehouse and the place was deserted - I was the only person there. I wasn't too concerned though cos it meant I would be right at the front. Before the first band came on I nipped to the loo but when I came back the place was packed tight and I didn't have a hope in hell of getting back down the front. I ended up stuck right at the back and couldn't see jack shit. So I stormed out and luckily for me there was a B & Q next door, so I went in and nicked a pair of massive ladders and took it back to the venue. Just got back in time, set the ladders up and I stood on top of the ladders for the entire concert. First band on were Blitzkreig who were sensational, then it was Krokus, then AC/DC, then Rush and finally Saxon!!! It was absolutely the best concert ever cos I love all those bands and once Saxon had finished their set, Biff shouts out "could the wee lass who had to stand on top of the ladders for the entire concert make your way backstage cos you're invited to the aftergig party". I was getting ultra excited at the thought of this party but unfortunately it was too good to be true cos the police came in right after the concert ended and arrested me for stealing those ladders from B & Q.!!!!!!

Twas a brilliant dream all the same.
exxie said:
Mind you Girlschool are supporting Saxon at Wulfren this April :hotjump: :loco:

Exellent another Girlschool fan. I canny wait to see them again and hope they play my fav Girlschool song, Nothing to Lose, cos they didn't play that in November there - totally raging!!!!!! And Blitzkrieg are at Wulfren as well Exxie, I'm totally hyperventilating at the thought of seeing these 3 together.
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
With all this talk about Saxon support bands, I'm actually dreaming about them now.

Had a superb dream last night - Saxon were playing and there were 4 bands on the bill as well but it was to be a surprise, no-one knew beforehand who the bands were. So I make my way to the venue which turns out to be some old delapidated warehouse and the place was deserted - I was the only person there. I wasn't too concerned though cos it meant I would be right at the front. Before the first band came on I nipped to the loo but when I came back the place was packed tight and I didn't have a hope in hell of getting back down the front. I ended up stuck right at the back and couldn't see jack shit. So I stormed out and luckily for me there was a B & Q next door, so I went in and nicked a pair of massive ladders and took it back to the venue. Just got back in time, set the ladders up and I stood on top of the ladders for the entire concert. First band on were Blitzkreig who were sensational, then it was Krokus, then AC/DC, then Rush and finally Saxon!!! It was absolutely the best concert ever cos I love all those bands and once Saxon had finished their set, Biff shouts out "could the wee lass who had to stand on top of the ladders for the entire concert make your way backstage cos you're invited to the aftergig party". I was getting ultra excited at the thought of this party but unfortunately it was too good to be true cos the police came in right after the concert ended and arrested me for stealing those ladders from B & Q.!!!!!!

Twas a brilliant dream all the same.

Thats cool princess! i must admit to dreams of seeing Saxon and Priest all the time, nothing spectacular just being at the gigs again ect. only dreamlike thing i suppose is i dont have to pay for the ale i dream iam supping lol