say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

Double post. This song is slaying my heart.

Not bad. Reminds me of a very simplified version of something Big Wreck would do. I'm not too much into the Dream Theater/Symphony X style of prog, but I am strangely enjoying this band:

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It takes a very particular style of Death for me to get into, but Obituary was always a band I could get behind.

Still can't believe how good this album and their latest vocalist is (good for this band anyway...).

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Eh, nothing I would buy, just not my taste.

I just found these guys and love them already:

The first dubstep :lol: Fuck, these guys were really pioneers in their day. Easily one of my favorite bands of all time.

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The first dubstep :lol: Fuck, these guys were really pioneers in their day. Easily one of my favorite bands of all time.

Started out extremely boring, got good, then went back to boring. Remove the vocals and you can hear some Adventure of Link action going on at times. At least it's not country or rap I guess. ;)

Seems like a lot of people think A Scattering of Ashes was this band's best album, but it's the second best...and a distant second at that.
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Into Eternity speaks for itself. As far as that Kraftwerk song went, they were pioneers in the 70s/80s, no matter how you look at it.

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Horseshit. Dead or Dreaming is the best Into Eternity album.

I guess it just depends on what style you like more, because both are great albums. Dead has more of an Evergrey/Dreaming Neon Black feeling to it. It's a lot more laidback and depressing, and a lot of the vocals on that album remind me of Sebastian Bach too. Buried is just a technical shred fest with arguably better (different) vocals and a better production.
pft, now this is a real beer:

One of one thousand bm bands, which all sound the same. Nothing special at all.
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^ You really listen to that? :lol: The only thing that is progressive about it is that it sucks progressively more as the track goes on.

That's blackmetal.
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^ You really listen to that? :lol: The only thing that is progressive about it is that it sucks progressively more as the track goes on.

That song was actually pretty fucking cool. The random keyboard solo jizzing was kind of out of place, but the rest of it was interesting. The piano made me think of:

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