say something about ... yourself!

I really got my ass kicked at jiu-jitsu last night. It hurts everywhere and these are some of the best bruises I've gotten yet :D But I can barely move today.

Also, after just about 2 years, I finished the Sword of Truth series last night. 12 700+ page books. Totally epic, by far the best fantasy series I've ever read. It took me until 3am but it was too good and I was too close to the end to stop. Now I'm ultra tired. But it's cool, I have nothing to do after work today except sit on my ass all night. Kind of excited about that :kickass:

I'm only on book 2 :(
I'm only on book 2 :(

It's cool man, take your time and enjoy it. I'm actually feeling a bit depressed that there's nothing more to read. Plus those first couple books are too awesome to deny. Wait until Richard starts figuring out how to use his gift :D I've never been so enthralled by a fictional story before.
ok now someone recommend me a book! I can finally read something else! I prefer something NOT fantasy haha.
ok now someone recommend me a book! I can finally read something else! I prefer something NOT fantasy haha.

Well I suppose it is technically "fantasy" but I'd recommend any of the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett... That's if of course you haven't read them all already.. Like me :lol:
Either or.

Shogun (also the nickname of one of my favorite MMA fighters)
Swan Song

what else?

I have read this book a ton of times. It is a little older (written in the 70s) but still badass nonetheless:

I have one of the original prints that isn't paperback but the paperback should cover everything the original has.

Another book (two rather) is Sensei and Sensei: The Sword Master. I've read these a few times too:

I don't really read a lot of fiction. What kind of non-fiction you into or what is something you'd like to know more about?
Twas a weird day of changes. Got to work and turned on my radio, to find that my favorite talk radio station had been turned into a sports radio station, and most of the personalities, including a BIG local one (Russ Martin) had all been fired. What the fvck am I supposed to listen to at work now? My MP3 player only gets FM radio, and that was really the only talk radio station on FM. Guess I'll have to break down and get a real radio so I can listen to AM.

Today's changes I am taught rather quickly how to do other people's jobs in my department, including a crash course in different programs. All I haven't learned now is how to scan, but I've been told that's next. Kinda scary, makes me wonder if they're going to fire people in our department and then throw all these responsibilities on me. Hopefully it's one of those "it's just good to know" situations.