say something about ... yourself!

What station was it, Cara? Call letters and frequency?

105.3 KLLI

It's still in existence, just a whole different format. Dallas doesn't need another freakin' sports radio station.:mad:

Before, it was called Live 105.3, and had a variety of shows pertaining to all different types of topics. The Ben & Skin show was awesome and just full of random hilarity. They actually kept them because they're into sports, but now their show is just sports and no hilarity :(
According to arrest records, he was a jerk, yes. ;) Shame, all the same. All the stations here are going Bando baños (Tejano).
Hmm, a CBS station. This doesn't surprise me. Radio programmers are freaking out everywhere due to the economy. I fucking hate how radio stations ALWAYS switch formats without saying anything until it's already done. They only do it that way so they don't have to listen to people complain about it. Sucks.
About to go UPS target's gift thing so I can start being lazy and not caring again.

I also bought myself 6 jars of garlic stuffed olives. <3
ok now someone recommend me a book! I can finally read something else! I prefer something NOT fantasy haha.

just finished this one last week:

Chicken Garlic. And a real man grills steaks in wind, snow, rain, or shine. Unless he's lazy. That's ok too. What sauce/spice does he use?