say something about ... yourself!

Awwww! I didn't realize she was a she! You know the girls are really, really hard to find, and allot of pet stores won't carry them because of the idea that no one wants them. But I find them beautiful all on their own. You got a real cute little gem there! <3

Yeah the males are indeed more popular. Our Petsmarts usually have plenty of females as well, but they're cheaper and not displayed as prominently as the males. This is the first female Betta I've had actually. I can tell she doesn't have quite the attitude that Onofrio had, but she's spunky in her own way :)
Awww! Your making me want to get another one! I do think they are the smartest of the little tank fish! Whew, my Charlie was a lazy bastard. Had to save his ass once or twice. He loved to try and flip out if the cover was off. I had that little booger for 3 years.
Sup guys, celebrating my victory. Kinda drunk, high....i need to urinate. uhh pics i guess for some reason. raison, risen, resonate. yea
She seems to have a sweet little personality. She likes looking at me, aww. Seems she won't bother eating any food til it sinks to the bottom. She'll go up and sniff the food floating at the top, but nope, no interest til it sinks to the bottom!

She's got a black face with a blue/green body.

I swear, she looked like a little sickly thing at Petsmart haha.

Awww, she's adorable. I love their underbite.
See that little white ring around her eye? Hmmm...I'll have to watch that. I may go back to Petsmart and get an antibiotic just in case.
Went to Petsmart to get doggy & kitty Christmas toys. A quick visit to the shelf of Bettas in cups lead to the rescue of Marie. Pics when she's more settled into her tank :)

Awwww congrats on the fishie! :oops: She's very purty, where did you put the tank? I wanted one but I dunno where I can put it where dogs and cats won't get into the tank. I wanna name it Sushi. :)
Made the mistake of doing terribly in a drinking game last night with some pruno-type fermented apple juice. Technically made a mistake by even PLAYING, but drunkards never think about that. Anyway...

Paying for it with the fact that I CAN'T STOP SHITTING. I'm in the water closet with a laptop because I have business to attend to, but can't be arsed to keep my pants up long enough to stay out of the head for more than 10 minutes at a time.


Late Edit: It may also be noted I got 3 volcano tacos from Taco Bell after I left too. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Yeah the males are indeed more popular. Our Petsmarts usually have plenty of females as well, but they're cheaper and not displayed as prominently as the males. This is the first female Betta I've had actually. I can tell she doesn't have quite the attitude that Onofrio had, but she's spunky in her own way :)

Aye, now speak of the mating process!