say something about ... yourself!

great now i have "Welcome to Miami" stuck on repeat in my head, and the only way I can get it out of my head, is with a bullet!
Seven Pounds
I Am Legend
The Pursuit of Happyness
I, Robot
Men in Black II
Wild Wild West
Enemy of the State
Men in Black
Independence Day

All great-decent films. Bold = Great/entertaining imo. Italics = has it's moments.
Went to Petsmart to get doggy & kitty Christmas toys. A quick visit to the shelf of Bettas in cups lead to the rescue of Marie. Pics when she's more settled into her tank :)
I love Betta's! I miss my Charlie, and my Betta, Kruger oh, I had a bug eyed looking, black gold fish named Pervert in another little tank. I can't wait to see em! Edit: Charlie and Kruger were not in the same tank! hahha, I actually got Kruger many years before.

I have fresh coffee brewed, and taking a long needed break from drawing! I'm still pounding the paper! What else, oh, I tried that chunky soup, steak and potato today. Eh, lol! NARP. It was food, it wasn't disgusting, but it was just fuel, and nothing more.
The past few times, including this time, I chose one from the back that wasn't entirely appealing to the eye. This lil fish looked kinda limp and fugly at the store, but now her fins have fanned out and she's quite lovely! Amazing what a lil change can do.
She seems to have a sweet little personality. She likes looking at me, aww. Seems she won't bother eating any food til it sinks to the bottom. She'll go up and sniff the food floating at the top, but nope, no interest til it sinks to the bottom!

She's got a black face with a blue/green body.

And lil orange fins under her head! Which I didn't notice til I took the pics. Kewl!

I swear, she looked like a little sickly thing at Petsmart haha.
Awwww! I didn't realize she was a she! You know the girls are really, really hard to find, and allot of pet stores won't carry them because of the idea that no one wants them. But I find them beautiful all on their own. You got a real cute little gem there! <3