say something about ... yourself!


I'm such a douche, I really am sorry. Situation kind of put me in the mood, that and the fact that I had to pop my 3 bars because my dumbass friend was speeding like always when I tell him not to. Lost my job. Not over a girl I should have been over months ago and wanting to die over her.

Going crazier by the day. I hope my mom can pay for me to go to a mental place.

Because get the fuck over it doesn't work anymore. It can't keep working forever.

How did you lose your job? And dude it's hard to get over a girl. I still haven't, and it's been over a year and I'm with someone else whom I love as well. A part of me loves the other girl still, but you just gotta ignore it, let that shit go. Only more pain will come from trying to dig up the past, as much as you want to. It's a matter of personal strength.

fjcuking faggots new castle is the shit only rivaled by th emight o f fat tire.:kickass:
You're drunk on the internet.... YOU'RE SO COOL!!11!!1
How did you lose your job? And dude it's hard to get over a girl. I still haven't, and it's been over a year and I'm with someone else whom I love as well.

The girl I trusted most there ratted me and the other three people involved that would steal shit out. The four of us were supposed to be a tight knit group of co workers that hung out outside the job but I guess you can't trust a woman.

The other thing. Any sane man would be over her. She is dumb as a brick of walls sometimes and the things she's done to me in the past are unforgivable.

But I can't. Everytime I see her smile my heart melts and the meter goes back to full.

Man I'm high. Woken up early by my gay neighbors boyfriend, but he turned out to be involved in the making of a very popular rap video from here. I'm going to see if he has any promotional connections since my friends and I are putting out a rap demo as I type this.
But I can't. Everytime I see her smile my heart melts and the meter goes back to full.

i know what you mean john, it's only cause she looks good man.

i was with this amazing looking girl a few years back, she just pissed me off 90% off the time we were together. though the other 10% was amazing, so i ended up missing her.

everytime i saw her (and how great she looked) id get in a fight with whoever she was with. but last time we met she was about 15 pounds heavier and i didnt give a fuck if anyone was hitting that
In classic retarded truck driver fashion, a retarded truck driver decided he was going to not heed my hand signal warning and screams to "FUCKING STOP YOU SHIT FUCK!" and proceeded to ram my main loading door at good speed... The damage? MAJOR:


The worst part? Going to have to somehow prop this fucking door up, drop it somehow, and then make sure it holds somehow for the weekend since no construction crew can work in the weather that is showing up in an hour (full blown blizzard w/ 50mph winds). Right now, that little yellow pole is holding it up, as well as my forklift.

Fuck you delivery industry, fuck you.