say something about ... yourself!

For some reason, Indians have monopolized the liquor stores and gas stations round my way. The good thing is they really don't give a fuck if you're of age or not.

"Are you 21"


"You look young............. 25.99, please."
Well, I'm on vacation from December 26 to January 6. OR we can wait until the weekend of June 19-21 in which Emily is in Jersey to be my Wizardworld buddy.
Well, I'm on vacation from December 26 to January 6. OR we can wait until the weekend of June 19-21 in which Emily is in Jersey to be my Wizardworld buddy.

*high five*

edit: we should have a star wars party.

I'm totally serious. Beer, food, and the original trilogy.

Yaaay. Comic convention and Star Wars nerdity. *sniff* I love you guys.