say something about ... yourself!

Kevin, you're hereby sentenced to death. You will be drawn and quartered. Execution is to be carried out by Max and I. Godspeed, may the force be with you, you heathen fuck!
I'll get to Star Wars someday. The Nevermore DVD is sitting right in front of me. In order to watch Star Wars, I'd have leave my warm apartment and venture into the freezing cold and drive somewhere in the snow to get it. Easy choice :)
I think it's ok to choose not to watch a cheesy sci-fi movie from the 70s. I was born in '77 so I wasn't exactly given the choice not to grow up with those films (and the associated action figures), but I find the whole cult surrounding them quite silly as an adult.
I think it's ok to choose not to watch a cheesy sci-fi movie from the 70s. I was born in '77 so I wasn't exactly given the choice not to grow up with those films (and the associated action figures), but I find the whole cult surrounding them quite silly as an adult.
yep. <3 em cause i grew up with them, but george lucas stole half his ideas from the Dune movie that was in production hell from 71-84 anyway. obviously his dialog sucks, and i suspect the only reason the first 3 indiana jones movies rule is becuase speilberg used to be cool and said "i dont think so, george" a lot.
yep. <3 em cause i grew up with them, but george lucas stole half his ideas from the Dune movie that was in production hell from 71-84 anyway. obviously his dialog sucks, and i suspect the only reason the first 3 indiana jones movies rule is becuase speilberg used to be cool and said "i dont think so, george" a lot.

Actually it's the other way around... Spielberg wanted Indiana Jones to have a robotic/bionic arm, and Lucas said that to him :lol:
Bionic Commando is one of the finest NES games ever. i mean come on, you melt the face off of a resurrected Hitler! what game has a cooler ending than that?!
Liquor store pussed out like bitches and closed early. So I had to get beer instead (stupid WA liquor laws).

At least it's awesome :D
