say something about ... yourself!

If I ever father a child, I am going to talk to it like a normal human being. The way people talk to small babies bugs the hell out of me.

I read somewhere that it's not good for their mental development to talk to them in "baby talk". It does make sense, they're trying to learn how to speak and the adults are filling their heads with words that don't mean anything.
i'm so pumped, my band is being featured on this radio station in Connecticut, they're going to be playing a lot of our stuff and even doing an on air interview, even though it may seem small to other people or bands it really feels like a big deal to me :kickass:
went to my friends' early birthday/going-away party last night. that friend left for france today. another friend that was there had just gotten back from england and another from a trip to africa. one of my friends there has a baby and another works a lot so i hardly ever see them.

instead of actually spending time with my friends, i just drank manically, spent an hour vomiting in their bathroom and then passed out.

had a beastly hangover this morning and i STILL have a headache. wtf?
Oh hi.

I just finished a whole one of these while watching Superbad

Lil Marie. About 15 seconds in she says "FEED ME"

The next one I get shall be a male, and he shall be named Albert. Albert Fish. Lolz.
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