say something about ... yourself!

Oh hi.

I just finished a whole one of these while watching Superbad


That looks SOOO good! <3
Yeah, I know that the ones with flashy fins are males. But mine is indeed a female...she's tiny and has little short fins!

Another example of a female veil tale, fins about the same size as Marie's
Aww. I kinda do miss having a male, but Marie is a cutie! If I'm anywhere in the bedroom then she's constantly swimming up and down the tank, looking at me haha.
awww well...Maries got some flashy tail action going!
i used to have one that looked like Marie..his name was Wenis...pewr Wenis..i had him for like 3 years and then he died.. :(
check PMS
fixed, amirite

well, it's the guy i was talking about before from my job. he recently got fired, so I contacted him about the band thing recently.

if all goes well with it, I have a "testing material on a crowd" situation that will actually require assistance on the 3 songs i have written, plus one more that we haven't gone over before, by a backing band. I'll be doing a gig once all of that shit is taken care of consisting of my entire CD played from cover to cover. the 4 metal songs are towards the end of that, so yeah. gig will be filmed with a 3-camera mix, recorded onto my audio mixer, everything mixed down, and i'm going to put out a DVD.

so, if this drummer thing works out, itll work to my advantage so I can actually book a date for this thing, and it will also open our doors for getting Max's shit down, then jumping at writing and destroying some eardrums and necks

Wenis was awesome..i loved that fish...he was surprisingly friendly for a betta and didnt kill the others when he shared a tank (of course the others were goldfish and neons)
when i got him his own tank, he loved it and he liked it when i played Megadeth...his little face would come up to the side of the tank and just hang there doin the fishy wiggle
^ Bettas are awesome, though I had some pretty rad ryukin goldies in the past. I know my parents like my bettas more. The rents adore Jack for his interactive aquatic qualities: dances with Mom and gives her "grandmom kisses" and keeps Dad company as he and the cat tackle the work at home (sick cycle - Dad talks to cat, cat talks back and moves. Jack moves because the cat moved which now fascinates that cat eliciting more responses from my dad).

La tee dah, it's late.