say something about ... yourself!

I like naming my pets like that. I had a bug eyed gold fish named pervert. :tickled:


Oh noes, I'm gonna list all the bettas I've ever had! You don't have to read, this is more just to jog my own memory.

Ariel - A red male that I got when I was about five. Nobody told me it was a male so I didn't know any better. I don't remember how long he lived, but he was purdy.

Giorgio - A blue/green male that I had when I was 9/10ish. He was a friendly lil boy. I remember having a dream that my parents had replaced him with a couple of hamsters, and I cried. For real, I woke up with tears in my eyes. I think he lived for a couple of years.

Fishie - He was a red male with blue/green tinges all over him. I got Fishie when I was 15. To be exact, I got him from the mall the night we went to see the movie The Haunting. He sat under my theater seat during the movie, aww. He was a disgusting fish. Dunno what it was about him, but I've never had to change fish water as much as I did with him. I'd change it one day and the next day it would be brown again. But aside from that, he lived happily for two years.

Onofrio - The first and only betta I had during my time in Maryland. I got him in April of 04. He was also red with blue/green tinges. He's also the only one that would flare at me whenever he saw me. It was cute. He was very, very spoiled and lived for 2.5 years, but he had to be older than that because he was huge when I got him.

Rudolpho - I aquired Rudolpho when I had to come back to Texas to get my bursitis treated, which would have been September of 04. I pretty much randomly picked a cup from the back of the shelf at Petsmart, and out came this little, limp gray lump in a cup. Within a few days of being in a tank, his coloring changed 100%. His body became a blue/gray, and his fins turned into a shimmering denim blue color. He was pwetty. I eventually had to go back to MD and couldn't take him with me, so my parents were left to care for him which they had no problem with. But of course, he died, after about a year and a half. He never got very big, and I always felt that he wasn't as hardy as other bettas, so it didn't surprise me that he didn't live very long.

And now there's Marie. Yay!
All bettas?

I found a video of this fish tank on Youtube. This has to be the coolest tank setup I've ever seen!!

Now I wanna do something similar with Marie's tank!
i used to have this book by a mad japanese doing aquaria art... it was awesome... most awesome aquaria i've ever seen. i dont have thta book here in stockholm now... if i did i would google and picture proof...
North Carolina is so fucking warm, i should have moved down here. My parents have foxes, deer, snakes and 2 other dogs that like to visit! Also a creek, so when i'm in deep shit i can swim up shits creek.