say something about ... yourself!

I just saw a buddy of mine who's on leave from the Navy. He said he must have seen about 5 dudes just break down and start crying. Don't be one of those dudes. If you are, takes pics you we can lol @ u.
I started my new job!!

The place is amazing... I got this HUGE cubicle all for myself with a kick ass computer with a HUGE 2 screens :D
The company has catering for the employees every Tuesday and Thursday, and get this... there's a BEER KEG in the fully equipped kitchen!
(Ok, so it's Miller Lite: but fuck! Beer at work!)
Everyone is so laid back, super casual office, I love it.

Only bad news.......... It's a PC environment :erk:

Grats Karen! :kickass: The most kick ass thing of all is the catering! WHOOT!
I am wondering why 20,000 new troops will will be sent to Afghanistan this year, what to control the borders? I know the Status of Forces Agreement was signed which does mandate the presence of US combat troops in Iraq until the end of 2011...but I'm also wondering about the people Obama has selected for his little team and Hilary being his nominee for Secretary of State. Right now I'm just confused :^\
went to the gym before class. big mistake - was really sore afterwards and fighting to stay awake for the two and a half hours of that class.

but it's crowded and noisy when i go after class so i guess i'll just have to learn how to deal with the tiredness and soreness.