say something about ... yourself!

went to the gym before class. big mistake - was really sore afterwards and fighting to stay awake for the two and a half hours of that class.

but it's crowded and noisy when i go after class so i guess i'll just have to learn how to deal with the tiredness and soreness.

I just came back from a 6 mile run around the boonies of north carolina. two dogs, a female hound and a male black chihuahua fallowed me the whole way back home, fucken people let their dogs run around with no collars in the road!

I know how you feel, absolute sard laying in my bed.
My mother just bitched at me for not writing my grandparents a thank you note for my christmas "gift". So I sent this

"thanks for the zucchini bread which I haven't liked or eaten in 26 years and the expired can of black olives when I like unexpired green olives".

Assholes, all of them.