say something about ... yourself!

I haven't listened to Praises To The War Machine in a couple of months it's so fucking gooood again.

One grows weary of shit so he must constantly have new music less everything becomes overplayed and who knows what you like anymore.
i was listening to neurosis and cleaning for three hours last night. crazy manic bursts of energy.

i have to work 8hr mid-shifts for the next three days as well as draw up an in-depth contract about how i'm going to change a behavior of mine and become more healthy. lame. i have absolutely no motivation to do either.

i'm gonna fail so hard when i start taking 12 credits.
Took the day off work... windows 7 public beta drops sometime today, and if I learned anything from the vista beta drops it's A) You want to get the official version so you don't have to spend weeks trying to compile all the shit you could have gotten if you had a legal version, and B) You want to start downloading that shit the minute it drops. 2.5 million download limit or something, and while that sounds like a lot, there's probably 8 million people like me who can't wait to get their hands on the supposedly high performing OS.

After all the shit came out that this build is supposedly 2:1 faster for most processes ( than both XP and Vista, those of us who actually care are more than ready to dedicate themselves to a beta build. I'd have gone full nix if WINE and Cedega had better support for my windows needs.

My clicking finger is poised.

My clicking finger is poised.

for anyone interested that hasn't gotten any yet, just follow these instructions (you probably need a hotmail/windows live login though)

wtf where did the link go
Got some new plants for the fishy. She's loving them!

I want another Betta already! Maybe once we have a loft bed, then there will be space.
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I change my behavior only when I feel like it. I laugh at classes that aim to force lifestyle modification only to have the students revert once the project is over.