say something about ... yourself!

I can't stand the fact that you can die for your country at 18 but can't drink alcohol...unless you come to Europe where American laws have no jurisdiction over you, even in the military. Here, American or not, military or not, you can drink if you're 16 or 17...and ID checks don't exist. Most kids here are mature enough to know when to stop and when too much is too much. Most of them.

I think the US should incorporate some sort of exam and background check to determine if you're a moron or not and allow those who are 18 and responsible and not total fuckholes the right to buy alcohol. It's not fair that everyone should be punished for the mistakes of other people. Either that or raise the age limit for military service to 21.
The age is 18 in the UK, as most of you will know, but that place is rife with irresponsible underage drinking. It's a major social problem.

The rest of the continent is as you say though, although EU integration has some countries under more pressure to adequately enforce age restrictions.
Meh, the only thing that is great about being 21 is you can go to those concerts and get booze and possibly drink with some band members. I haven't been to a bar yet and being 21 has just made my drinking problem worse because I can actually get up and get it when needed.

I had to skip out on drinking with Amon Amarth when I use to live in Houston. Fuckin' sucks but now if I ever run into that oppurtunity I can drink legally, and you don't have to sneak around in bathrooms or be paranoid at a party about cops arriving at your door.
I was just told by one of our salesmen that the font I used on the cut sheet I made for him was " too fancy ".

I used Ariel....and it was in italics!

I laughed right at him and said "hmmmm, the default font is too fancy? ok".
This is true. This guy does have some seriously bad taste too.

But to his defence I did add......a gradient to the font.

I know, you are saying, " my god TWO colors?!!! and they fade into each other???? on the same logo??!!! "
LOL I do that too. I've learned over the years that most things designers despise are the things clients and salespeople totally love. I know I can always get a "Yes, this is awesome thanks sooo much!" when I make something intentionally cheesy or gaudy. Sucks, but that's the way it goes. I guess sometimes it's not so bad to have a job where you can't take credit for your own work haha.
My rottweiler needed to be put to sleep today. She wasn't eating very much, very lethargic, and wouldn't go outside. She had lost nearly 20 lbs. The vet told us it was kidney failure, and that it was unavoidable.


Happy new years.