say something about ... yourself!

Bring out your evil dead!

just bought €130,- worth of NES games xD

NO DUDE!!!! EMU's ROMS !!!1 1 t54te50-4975409745094

what games did you get?

also i have been playing DMC 4.......I don't like the game. I hate the game, shitty story line but good gameplay (other then the ZOMG LETS GO BACK WHERE WE CAME FROM CRAP)

im playing on demon hunter mode, which is not that hard. God dammit this game has such a GREAT storyline and it's completley FUCKED. DMC I will still the one of the best DMC's ever (FUCK 2 and 4) 3 was actually decent but not as great at 4.

FUCK i beat this game shortly after it came out and was pissed, now I am playing it again...almost done with it.

me and Eric can agree since we are both fans of the series, that after we got done playing the game we got on our knees with our fists in the air yelling


EVEN THE ANIME SUX!!!!1 ggl;dfgj'dl;fgdf