say something about ... yourself!


I got some massive food poisoning yesterday in the wee hours of am.
I was projectile vomiting so hard into the toilet that little meat chunks were smacking the surface of the water and flying back into my mouth, which immediately prompted another bout of hurling.

I lost 6lbs in 2 days, and I have a taste aversion to food.

Ahh yes, the best of times. A grand load of the 'Botch visited me this summer from some gank pasta salad. It's great when it takes so much effort to hoarf that blood vessels blow in the eyes. The only thing I could stomach for three days was eggdrop soup.

Awesome day today. Outside most of the day.. zero or minus degrees with windchill. Fingers still do not want to operate.
I got some massive food poisoning yesterday in the wee hours of am.
I was projectile vomiting so hard into the toilet that little meat chunks were smacking the surface of the water and flying back into my mouth, which immediately prompted another bout of hurling.

I lost 6lbs in 2 days, and I have a taste aversion to food.

Dude. :cry: My stomach and I feel for you, that is fucking awful.
YES I finally got my gi in the mail today, all the way from Brazil!!! Model pics soon possibly. So stoked, I love it!