say something about ... yourself!

Punch them in the dick!
Don't you hit me, or so help me I'll run outside and fight flying babies!

Speaking of flying babies, I'm going to a funeral service tomorrow for a friend's baby. His girlfriend was 8 months pregnant and they went in Monday for an ultrasound and they couldn't hear the heartbeat. Turns out the cord was wrapped around the neck and it was dead. They sent her home and told her to come back the next afternoon so they could induce labor. I can't even imagine the horror of going home knowing there's a dead baby inside of you and having to deliver it. God.
Shit, there went all the dead baby jokes I'd written down for while I visited. What time is the funeral so I can avoid it?
It doesn't get any more metal than hanging yourself in the womb :headbang:

Really though, that sucks bad :( RIP Baby.
Speaking of flying babies, I'm going to a funeral service tomorrow for a friend's baby. His girlfriend was 8 months pregnant and they went in Monday for an ultrasound and they couldn't hear the heartbeat. Turns out the cord was wrapped around the neck and it was dead. They sent her home and told her to come back the next afternoon so they could induce labor. I can't even imagine the horror of going home knowing there's a dead baby inside of you and having to deliver it. God.

Ew :erk: