say something about ... yourself!

oh. it won't be an "interview" he's gonna be a guest that just talks and adds funny shit to what's going on. to download the FM show, you wanna go to I don't know why they don't offer the XM side, too.
This creepy guy from last year just IMed. He mentioned that he doesn't work with Spencer's anymore and I asked why knowing full well that he was given an ultimatum to quit or be fired. He gave me some bs answer that he didn't like what was going on. On top of this he's banned from our store (which is right down the hall).

And I cleaned my desk so now I have room to set up my 12" action figures of Qui-Gon and Jango. <3 Muy bueno.
I was so sick all night last night that my tummy still aches from the after math! :( I swear someone slipped tainted peanut butter in my coffee or something! I'm so glad the cramp waves are over, much less the pooping.

That pulled pork recipe sounds delicious, Samantha. Hahha, I need to eat something other then plain chicken like a giant hole in my head right now, but if it were in front of me, I'd totally take the risk! I'm taking that one down! I haz a crock pot in Maryland with my stuff, when I finally get my stuff I'm going to go to the store and grab a pork roast to slow cook until it falls apart.

Oh, I don't think I've ever told you guys this, but I giggle when ever I hear it. We have a local grocery store called, Semans. :lol: They also sell the best meat.
Why is he banned and fired besides being creepy?

He got fired for being creepy to girls/possible sexual harassment if I remember correctly. There was a big deal over it. He got banned from our store for proclaiming his love for one of the employees then threatening to slit his wrists in the store if she didn't go out with him.
Two of my old friends from high school just randomly called in the middle of the night to say they were outside. I love surprises. Man, I say old friends like it's been forever since high school. Sure feels like it though.

Also I might as well throw this in with all the useless shit I say on here. I was just posting with the Borknagar guitarist, and even 10 or so years later after having it, it never fucking ceases to amaze me how within the same minute I can communicate a message to someone in Norway and vice versa. It shouldn't be possible. It should not be possible for me to ever communicate with this man on any level higher than mail unless I traveled to Norway.

What the fuck is the internet? A series of tubes!
Tamales are a bitch to make. I started this shit Saturday night and my mom helped with the stuffing and husk wrapping.

I don't really have a recipe for the pork, I just ghettoed out and tossed in stuff I wanted, portioned out to my liking. Such as:

the porkz
massive amounts of garlic
couple bay leafs
mexican oregano
dried ancho chiles
tiny tiny bit of cumin (I don't really like cumin)
some onion chunks
couple splashes of white wine at the end


and I'm not mexican enough to bother with tamales, sard. Maybe instead I'll try some pupusas, those are probably like half-ass tamales
Argh, just about to go back into school, "twilight sessions" (lessons that are after school hours) suck shit. Oh well, payday tomorrow, I'm so buying Left 4 Dead.