say something about ... yourself!

Sorry to hear that Karen. It is tough to deal with when the boss is a pain.

I'm getting a bit run down from the house/dog sitting. It is taking it's toll having to run between my place and the other house. I have a bunch of freelance work I can't seem to get to because I'm on the go. Thankfully only a few more days.
Needs more sleep.
UofL is closed too, I called my manager to see if the SAC was still open and he's like yeah, so I told him I probably won't be able to make it and he's like "we're really busy so try your hardest to get here"

like how much I try is going to affect the traction my tires get on my driveway and road, douchebag. I'm not calling in again. I'm not going.
I made it through 4 consecutive 5 minute sessions at jiu-jitsu last night without gassing out, and I'm not sore at all this morning. I think I'm finally getting into better shape :kickass:

Still getting awesome bruises though. I should take pics, they get pretty nasty sometimes.
Sorry to hear that Karen. It is tough to deal with when the boss is a pain.

yeah :/ Especially in our field.. It's such a shame too, I like the place,
but she makes my life hell here, and makes me hate the job completely :/

Horrible how?

Some people just don't know how to manage.. she supposed to be my art director
but she doesn't direct anything, she tells you the obvious and then gets mad when you don't comply... She has 0 communication skills, and since I have good communication skills I try my best to ask guide questions and to fully understand what she means: yet, every time it's the exact opposite...

My co worker told me 3 people left this job before me because of her, so that alone should tell you how bad things are...

I end up working 12-10 hours every day just to get the job done, but really with a better boss that can
communicate I could have finished everything I had to do in 5 hours...

It's a never ending frustration here on a daily basis... My co worker has the same problem..

meh :/
yeah :/ Especially in our field.. It's such a shame too, I like the place,
but she makes my life hell here, and makes me hate the job completely :/

Some people just don't know how to manage.. she supposed to be my art director
but she doesn't direct anything, she tells you the obvious and then gets mad when you don't comply... She has 0 communication skills, and since I have good communication skills I try my best to ask guide questions and to fully understand what she means: yet, every time it's the exact opposite...

My co worker told me 3 people left this job before me because of her, so that alone should tell you how bad things are...

I end up working 12-10 hours every day just to get the job done, but really with a better boss that can
communicate I could have finished everything I had to do in 5 hours...

It's a never ending frustration here on a daily basis... My co worker has the same problem..

meh :/

Two words.. Clandestine Subterfuge. :ninja: Anyhoo if you get paid O.T. that's great but it gets old when it starts to eat into your home life and effect your work place if higher ups get wind of time allocations and expense over runs and put the pressure on because your boss can't keep her shit together.
yeah :/ Especially in our field.. It's such a shame too, I like the place,
but she makes my life hell here, and makes me hate the job completely :/

Some people just don't know how to manage.. she supposed to be my art director
but she doesn't direct anything, she tells you the obvious and then gets mad when you don't comply... She has 0 communication skills, and since I have good communication skills I try my best to ask guide questions and to fully understand what she means: yet, every time it's the exact opposite...

My co worker told me 3 people left this job before me because of her, so that alone should tell you how bad things are...

I end up working 12-10 hours every day just to get the job done, but really with a better boss that can
communicate I could have finished everything I had to do in 5 hours...

It's a never ending frustration here on a daily basis... My co worker has the same problem..

meh :/
Seems to be par for the course in the design field. Let me guess, you're on salary pay, too? Nothing quite as awesome as having deadlines that can't be met without working more then you should be.

In those kind of situations, the only way I feel I can have any power is to not let myself get into the habit of doing the best I possibly can. If they want to spread me thin, the work is what's going to suffer, not me.

Good luck wb <3
Being squeezed into unnatural positions on the floor probably makes you do that.
Yeah it happens now and then and the best remedy is to just laugh it off. No big deal.

Gassing out = getting too exhausted to continue.

edit: however, the positions you get squeezed into are perfectly natural. Just sometimes not the most comfortable, especially if your opponent is bigger (which most of mine are).