say something about ... yourself!

Canada isn't as badly effected, we are in a tiny recession now but in fact things are just gonna slow to a crawl for the next two years supposedly, we won't lose much but we won't gain anything either. Which is why I feel bad for people in the USA and why I give out as much credits as I can to people on their accounts and do my best to help them everyday when everyone else around me just doesn't give a fuck and screws people over for hundreds/thousands of dollars because they are lazy.

I see you've been studying a great deal of current affairs in Canada. :lol::lol:
Ok Joe, here’s a long ass post, probably one of the longest posts I’ve ever made here.
No cat-fight, just talking.

Have you ever heard of Orange cellphones/ network/ cellular GSM providers?
It’s a big company in Europe, I’m sure many of the English/ west European folks here know this company.

I worked as a manager in the financial customer service department for 3 years. I managed a team of 45 people along with 4 other team-managers such as myself. I trained people for this job, I run workshops, I hired people. The phone calls we got to the financial customer service department were calls regarding people bills, payments and above all: debts, debts debts. Which basically means almost every single customer was just in a peachy mood to begin with. As a manager, I usually didn’t answer the ‘regular’ incoming calls (unless there were many calls on hold), but I had to deal with all the phone calls that my representatives couldn’t handle and couldn’t ‘close’ and therefore those calls had to be transferred to a ‘manager talk’. I’m talking about people who yell at me, curse me, telling me things I didn’t know about my own mother. I’m talking about people who cry to me on the phone that they don’t have money for bread, let alone the phone bill, people with 6 kids that are losing their own home due to debts, people who are already in such a huge debt, they are now dealing with our lawyer, people who basically are in the lowest form of communication, and people who are were so emotional and desperate… – Those phone calls were HARD, to say the least.

Now, in my 3 years of managing that team, I was also a member of the company’s customer service specialist team, which means once a month we would gather 25 managers/ specialists customer service people from all over the customer service department in the company (not just financial) and try to improve and look at the past month and see improvements/ corrections we could do, to make the customer service better for us, and above all for the people. (which was a huge promotion for me at the time, but anyways…)

Why am I telling you this? Because I used to train people to do your job, and I used to deal with similar shit to what you’re probably going through in your job right now.
In my entire career at Orange, I always had one thing in mind, and that was; how to make the collecting process easier for the people who have to go through this. To be in debt is a horrible thing – no matter who you are and where you come from.
You think I didn’t have old ladies crying to me on the phone as well? Oh I had many.
But there is a BIG difference with helping people within the ‘company’s frame’ and knocking $100 off their bill by simply ‘erasing it’.
Now, I don’t know what you do at your job, in order to help those ‘poor people’ but if you use your best ability within the frame of your work, then more power to you.
I did EVERYTING I could to help people with the collecting process.
I even won two small awards for the development of two tools that we added to our system, and as a result made the collecting process better for the customer. (no joke, it’s on my resume) If it’s in your ability to give installments, manager-discounts, delay the line-disconnect, or do anything you can do to help someone- I say DO IT. I can’t even tell you how many times I walked into my CEO’s office with papers in my hand and demanded him to sign certain procedures that were never done before, for certain customers.… I loved doing ‘above and beyond’ to some people, it’s what makes a job at a customer service place bearable and rewarding.
I will take the extra step for people – ALWAYS.
And here’s come a huge BUT.
I never did anything illegal in order to help or solve things at my job. The key is, to know what you can be ‘above and beyond’ in a legal way. I think that that is what helps people, and also, in order to keep your job at the end of the day (not to mention: get awesome recognition for what you do- instead of the BOOT)
From what you’re saying (and I may be wrong here… ) you ‘knock off 100 bucks off people’s bills’ or take off $50 just like that? Erasing them on the computer?
Sure, as a representative in a cellular/ communication company you realize very quick that what you sell is a ‘service’ not a ‘product’ – therefore, many times there is no issue with taking off a certain service/ amount of money off someone’s bill with of course, the approval or notion of someone above you. But if what you’re doping for those people is all on the down-low and you think you’re actually helping them- then you’re wrong. Robin Hood only exists in Sherwood Forest. Don’t do anything that may end up with you to losing your job, because guess what… you will no longer be there, but that old lady who just got a $100 off her bill will be back there with another $100 that she can’t pay… again.

I am far from being ‘brain washed’ by the rich, Joe. You are very very wrong. I always do anything I can to help people (or animals… ) and within my ability.
Did you know that when I managed my Petco store I used to give over 1000 pounds of pet food and pet products- that otherwised would have be thrown in the dumpster- to shelters and non-profit organizations?
If I wasn’t too lazy I would have probably scan all the Thank you certificates/letters/ ‘member for life’ cards I got in the mail from shelters all over DC. That pet food would have been dumped in the trash – but as an employee or a manager in a certain company- it is a HUGE virtue to know what can be done within the legal-frame to make that ‘above and beyond step.

So if you indeed do that at your job, more power to you, really. (I’m serious, no joke)
But my advice to you is, don’t do anything that can get you fired because the only loser in the situation would be you.

Wow, I hope I didn’t bore you to death :lol:
I guess no one ever wondered how all the karen pics had gotten taken or why there were always men's shoes in the pictures of her house or the reflections of a man's leg in the window pics etc. etc. etc.

I'm not a detective, but I play one on TV.
so i walk into work, "Hey Nik, we don't need you today, sorry, you can go home."

"Why didn't anyone call me?"

"Oh, no one called?"


groans and walks out. Good morning!! :wave:
Ok Joe, here’s a long ass post, probably one of the longest posts I’ve ever made here.
No cat-fight, just talking.

Have you ever heard of Orange cellphones/ network/ cellular GSM providers?
It’s a big company in Europe, I’m sure many of the English/ west European folks here know this company.

I worked as a manager in the financial customer service department for 3 years. I managed a team of 45 people along with 4 other team-managers such as myself. I trained people for this job, I run workshops, I hired people. The phone calls we got to the financial customer service department were calls regarding people bills, payments and above all: debts, debts debts. Which basically means almost every single customer was just in a peachy mood to begin with. As a manager, I usually didn’t answer the ‘regular’ incoming calls (unless there were many calls on hold), but I had to deal with all the phone calls that my representatives couldn’t handle and couldn’t ‘close’ and therefore those calls had to be transferred to a ‘manager talk’. I’m talking about people who yell at me, curse me, telling me things I didn’t know about my own mother. I’m talking about people who cry to me on the phone that they don’t have money for bread, let alone the phone bill, people with 6 kids that are losing their own home due to debts, people who are already in such a huge debt, they are now dealing with our lawyer, people who basically are in the lowest form of communication, and people who are were so emotional and desperate… – Those phone calls were HARD, to say the least.

Now, in my 3 years of managing that team, I was also a member of the company’s customer service specialist team, which means once a month we would gather 25 managers/ specialists customer service people from all over the customer service department in the company (not just financial) and try to improve and look at the past month and see improvements/ corrections we could do, to make the customer service better for us, and above all for the people. (which was a huge promotion for me at the time, but anyways…)

Why am I telling you this? Because I used to train people to do your job, and I used to deal with similar shit to what you’re probably going through in your job right now.
In my entire career at Orange, I always had one thing in mind, and that was; how to make the collecting process easier for the people who have to go through this. To be in debt is a horrible thing – no matter who you are and where you come from.
You think I didn’t have old ladies crying to me on the phone as well? Oh I had many.
But there is a BIG difference with helping people within the ‘company’s frame’ and knocking $100 off their bill by simply ‘erasing it’.
Now, I don’t know what you do at your job, in order to help those ‘poor people’ but if you use your best ability within the frame of your work, then more power to you.
I did EVERYTING I could to help people with the collecting process.
I even won two small awards for the development of two tools that we added to our system, and as a result made the collecting process better for the customer. (no joke, it’s on my resume) If it’s in your ability to give installments, manager-discounts, delay the line-disconnect, or do anything you can do to help someone- I say DO IT. I can’t even tell you how many times I walked into my CEO’s office with papers in my hand and demanded him to sign certain procedures that were never done before, for certain customers.… I loved doing ‘above and beyond’ to some people, it’s what makes a job at a customer service place bearable and rewarding.
I will take the extra step for people – ALWAYS.
And here’s come a huge BUT.
I never did anything illegal in order to help or solve things at my job. The key is, to know what you can be ‘above and beyond’ in a legal way. I think that that is what helps people, and also, in order to keep your job at the end of the day (not to mention: get awesome recognition for what you do- instead of the BOOT)
From what you’re saying (and I may be wrong here… ) you ‘knock off 100 bucks off people’s bills’ or take off $50 just like that? Erasing them on the computer?
Sure, as a representative in a cellular/ communication company you realize very quick that what you sell is a ‘service’ not a ‘product’ – therefore, many times there is no issue with taking off a certain service/ amount of money off someone’s bill with of course, the approval or notion of someone above you. But if what you’re doping for those people is all on the down-low and you think you’re actually helping them- then you’re wrong. Robin Hood only exists in Sherwood Forest. Don’t do anything that may end up with you to losing your job, because guess what… you will no longer be there, but that old lady who just got a $100 off her bill will be back there with another $100 that she can’t pay… again.

I am far from being ‘brain washed’ by the rich, Joe. You are very very wrong. I always do anything I can to help people (or animals… ) and within my ability.
Did you know that when I managed my Petco store I used to give over 1000 pounds of pet food and pet products- that otherwised would have be thrown in the dumpster- to shelters and non-profit organizations?
If I wasn’t too lazy I would have probably scan all the Thank you certificates/letters/ ‘member for life’ cards I got in the mail from shelters all over DC. That pet food would have been dumped in the trash – but as an employee or a manager in a certain company- it is a HUGE virtue to know what can be done within the legal-frame to make that ‘above and beyond step.

So if you indeed do that at your job, more power to you, really. (I’m serious, no joke)
But my advice to you is, don’t do anything that can get you fired because the only loser in the situation would be you.

Wow, I hope I didn’t bore you to death :lol:


Thanks, Karen. *kisses both cheeks*

It's nice to know others are also able to express themselves as they like without being burned at the stake. :)
Sorry but the difference is that everything she said there was necessary to get her point across. Half the time you post an essay it's just not needed :p But hey we've already had this discussion so whatev.