My mother sent me an email this morning asking if I can make her a "Valentine" CD with some love songs so she can give it to my dad for Valentines Day. And I'm not sure if she intends on actually giving it to him or to the fucker she's cheating on my dad with. I'm thinkin about making one with nothing but 'Secret Lovers' on it.
man, taking days off school sucks and rules. i got to sleep all day but even though i told myself i'd catch up and do all my work, i did none of it. awesome.
i was really tired before work so i went to wawa and got this "mocha wake-up" coffee stuff with lots and lots or caffeine and lots and lots and lots of chocolate. mmm so good. it's like cocoa but better. *wants more*
I never thought "I'm going to stop drinking caffeine", a bunch of times when i was selecting a beverage i'd be like "I'm really thirsty right now so im going to pick something without caffeine", until eventually I hardly drink anything with it anymore.