say something about ... yourself!

My boss just kicked my chair from behind as I was sitting with my chest already against the edge of my desk. He kicked it really hard and it compressed my chest really bad and it fucking hurts now :erk:
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: That sucks but I laughed really hard when I imagined it. Fuck I am bored.

Yeah he's done it a couple times before. I was just sitting too close to my desk this time. I made sure to tell him to please never do that again because it annoys me no matter what whenever people kick the back of my chair. It happens a lot because my back is facing the opening of my cubicle. I get drive-by kicked a couple times a week, but this one was really bad.
:lol::lol: Dude you need to like set up some booby trap for your chair, make a metal cast version of the back and LOL when they break their metatarsals.
i know! this is getting a bit scary!

I usually get mine around the same time as Cara, as I've noticed. But I shouldn't have it for at least another week.

Loomy has a weird spot or something on his head that's I just noticed a few days ago. He hasn't shed in awhile, yet I think that's where it came from. Poor baga, gotta keep an eye on him.
Wow, much lava is flowing amongst the wimmens of the board.

Leaving in an hour for my interview at the airport. I'm nervous yet calm. Not nervous about the interview itself, it should be pretty simple. Just nervous about everywhere I may have to go today.

I'm almost done...had the interview, then went to the main part of the airport to be fingerprinted, then at 1:30 I have to be back at the staffing agency's office to fill out more paperwork for them.

But yeah, I got the job. Can't start til the background check and fingerprints clear, so here's to a few days of relaxation :cool:

I'm almost done...had the interview, then went to the main part of the airport to be fingerprinted, then at 1:30 I have to be back at the staffing agency's office to fill out more paperwork for them.

But yeah, I got the job. Can't start til the background check and fingerprints clear, so here's to a few days of relaxation :cool:


I'm almost done...had the interview, then went to the main part of the airport to be fingerprinted, then at 1:30 I have to be back at the staffing agency's office to fill out more paperwork for them.

But yeah, I got the job. Can't start til the background check and fingerprints clear, so here's to a few days of relaxation :cool:

ALRIGHT! *highfives and bosoms!* that wins! :kickass::kickass:

anyway i got up this morning to find this:


who wants to go sledding?