say something about ... yourself!

Tered, have fun shopping!!

I never got your second email by the way... I kept waiting but nothing?
Can you please send it again? :)

Oh and, I love those long weekends!! :kickass:
I wish we would only have to work 4 days and have 3 off! :kickass:
Killing time until jiu-jitsu. Work is done for the day, things are mellowing out here finally. Tomorrow we go to a new Italian place for BFL (that's Beer For Lunch for the uninformed) AND it's payday AND I get a 3 days weekend this weened AND next weekend for my birthday :D

Yay! That sounds awesome Kevin. I want to start jiu-jitsu I just have to find a place.

Jen, How's your grandfather doing?

Thanks for asking Karen. He's actually doing relatively okay, he's getting some physical therapy since he's had pneumonia and hasn't been moving around in the hospital. But they know for sure that he has stage four cancer in almost every organ, he doesn't want treatment I wouldn't either at this point. The doctors and such said he probably has a few months left to live, which is just a shock because he was seemingly healthy just a couple of months ago. He just wants to go home. Everyone's really upset it's been pretty rough but my mom and family are just going to make sure he has a kick ass whatever time he has left, as comfortably as he can.