hey Laura, I go to Gold's Gym too!
3 times a week, sometimes more, sometimes less, depends on my schedule.
I agree Laura, it's very easy to lose focus when you're walking, and even on the treadmill/ elliptical machine - you get bored very fast and then you're not really
working out properly... If it happens to you, try to do 2-minute sets (2 minutes of intense resistance or jogging, and 2 minutes of low resistance or walking- depends on the machine you're on) so it will require you to be focused and keep changing your paste.
What it also does, is making your muscles work extra hard and burn more fat due to the changing paste. (but only if the hard 2 minutes are really hard!)
Also important: keep increasing the incline!
If you want, I can send you some step-by-step work out I got from my trainer

But at Gold's Gym you can talk to anyone there for tips/ work outs for free, and I think if you first join you get a free hour with a personal trainer!
Check it out! ...and good luck !!