say something about ... yourself!

interesting. yeah, a guy i work with was talking about how the short, high-intensity things really are necessary. i generally don't work out that intensely when i go because most of the time, i'm going before a class and/or work in the evening.

a copy of your work-out routine would be awesome, thanks :)
You know, one of the best 'tips' I got from my trainer (when I used to have one) is to remember two things:

If you're not sweating and is completely beat by the end of your work out; it was probably not that effective, OR it's time to change your routine
(as our bodies get 'used' to something they don't burn as much) make sure you're working out in a safe way, gradually increase it, but do
it in a safe way. Also: always push yourself within your limits. and sweat!!!

...but with that being said: when you don't have time for an intense work out: still go! Make sure to get minimum of 30 minutes of cardio on days when your
schedule is not allowing you more. It is better than nothing.

but he also said... make the gym a priority ;)

I'll see if I can find it and scan it for you! :)
Meh, gyms. All you need at home is a set of weights, a stationary bike or a treadmill, a plan, and motivation of course. If you have all those things then you'll save thousands of dollars. I would say that all of my equipment at home, bike included, cost $200 or less.
Meh, gyms. All you need at home is a set of weights, a stationary bike or a treadmill, a plan, and motivation of course. If you have all those things then you'll save thousands of dollars. I would say that all of my equipment at home, bike included, cost $200 or less.

having home equipment may work for some.. I'm in the group that actually needs to go out and do the work out, because at home I get too distracted.
I guess that's understandable. It's just really easy for me to pop in the earbuds and forget about everything else for a couple of hours. Then, when I'm done, I've got stuff to make my protein shake with right there, so I can drink it as soon as I'm done and get the most recovery benefits from it, rather than waiting to get home from the gym or spend money on buying one.
having home equipment may work for some.. I'm in the group that actually needs to go out and do the work out, because at home I get too distracted.

I have the same problem. I ended up selling all my home equipment because I didn't have room in my small 1-bedroom apartment, and I just wasn't using it to begin with. Stupid computer and books.

Laura, depending on what you want to achieve, some things won't work, whereas some things will. If you're looking to burn fat, then high-intensity, slow paced workouts are what you need. If toning is more your cup-o-tea, then light-weight, more reps. Make your muscles tired, not strained.

I usually do a 15 minute run, keep my heart-rate up for the hour I'm in the gym working heavy weights, then do 10-15 minutes on a stairmaster or bike.

You need to be careful about how high you get your heart rate up... depending on your weight, if it's over say, 145 or so, you'll start to actually not only burn fat, but muscle as well.
Or you guys could try jiu-jitsu and not worry about going to the gym, working out, or buying weights at all :D

I rolled hard for 25 minutes straight last night and felt like I got run over by a Mack truck for a little while afterwards, but goddamn do I feel good now.
hey Laura, I go to Gold's Gym too!

3 times a week, sometimes more, sometimes less, depends on my schedule.

I agree Laura, it's very easy to lose focus when you're walking, and even on the treadmill/ elliptical machine - you get bored very fast and then you're not really
working out properly... If it happens to you, try to do 2-minute sets (2 minutes of intense resistance or jogging, and 2 minutes of low resistance or walking- depends on the machine you're on) so it will require you to be focused and keep changing your paste.
What it also does, is making your muscles work extra hard and burn more fat due to the changing paste. (but only if the hard 2 minutes are really hard!)
Also important: keep increasing the incline!

If you want, I can send you some step-by-step work out I got from my trainer :)
But at Gold's Gym you can talk to anyone there for tips/ work outs for free, and I think if you first join you get a free hour with a personal trainer!
Check it out! ...and good luck !!

That's HIT. It's pretty rad.

interesting. yeah, a guy i work with was talking about how the short, high-intensity things really are necessary. i generally don't work out that intensely when i go because most of the time, i'm going before a class and/or work in the evening.

a copy of your work-out routine would be awesome, thanks :)

Dude, just go to and check out some sample workouts and diets. You'll thank me later.
Dude, just go to and check out some sample workouts and diets. You'll thank me later.

Take this advice. is an awesome resource. I found some alternate workout methods there due to having lack of equipment.

Also, if you ever want supplements, I suggest going to over using GNC or any other stores in your area. I save a shit ton of money by using them and I believe they are based out of New Jersey.
So far I've been able to rely on genetics to stay in shape...although on the flipside, I'd have to kick into super-high gear to develop even a little muscle tone. FedEx was good for that, I'd probably be ripped if I was still working there.

Also, I think soda will be removed from my diet soon; I felt like shit all day today, and the old suburban remedy of drinking Sprite was useless. I had a glass of hot tea, and I felt 75% better almost immediately.
Sometimes when I get bored I try and go 30 days drinking nothing but water. Still eating normally, but only drinking water. It usually helps me feel better physically, it's nice to not have caffeine and sugar running through your body for a while.
Yeah water is awesome, and I usually drink it with all of my meals and in between as well. Except breakfast, 'cause I need my caffeine. I hardly ever drink soda, only occasionally when I go to the deli that gives out free cans with their sandwiches. I went there today and had a Dr. Pepper, since cold soda is good when I'm hungover.

Speaking of which, Destruction was awesome last night. I was moshing hella and someone or something hit me in the nose, which is very sore today. As is most of the rest of my body.
btw Laura - The best thing about Gold's Gym that i forgot to mention, is their free classes. make sure to pick up a schedule and start going to classes.
It's a great option for days you just sard the regular cardio. the classes are so much fun, and you burn so much calories during each class.
Nose pain, ugh...I awoke this morning to a mighty sneeze, which resulted in what looked like an entire sinus cavity lying in my hand. I plugged up the bleeding nostril, until the blood actually began pouring out the other one. Then it came out once when I coughed! Fuck the Spring. Allergies kick my ass every year.